Saturday, August 3, 2013

Shingeki no Kyojin Madness!

Konbanwa minna-san! \(>w<)/

Tomorrow is Sunday, so hooray for the upcoming episode
of Shingeki no Kyojin! I dunno what day they release it on
other countries, but here in the Philippines it is always on
Sundays. By the way, here is the link where I watch it:

Everybody loves Shingeki no Kyojin, who wouldn't aye?
I seriously like it's story and I just can't stop reading its
manga! I'm on the latest chapter and I can't wait for the
next one!  I really enjoy watching it and if you're going to
ask me who's my favorite character, then I'll proudly tell
you that it is Hanji~! (>///<) Hahahaha

And oh, I got some screenshots! Spoilers to those who
haven't watched or read it. Sorry for those people.

I seriously find Armin adorable in here :"""">

Eren, I wild colossal titan appeared! What ball will you
use to catch it? XDDD LOL

Bang he got caught. It's so sad to be a Titan food.

Oh my goodness! A HOT TITAN appeared!
Power: He can stun you to death with his shocking
handsome face. And gets more handsome while
devouring your human friends.

A hero will appear soon and take down all the Titans!
He is Eren, a Titan with 6 pack abs! He can kill a
titan with a single punch! Boom!

Sorry and hooray for SPOILERS! In my opinion, this
anime Shingeki no Kyojin is the most exciting anime
of the year. The story is unique and once you watch
or read it, you can't freaking stop it. For the people
who haven't watched or read it. I surely recommend
this anime to you! You won't regret watching it!

Well see you in my next post!

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