Thursday, March 28, 2013

2013 Diplomatic Ball

February 22, 2012

In the morning the rain is pouring lightly and we all hope
for a sunny afternoon, so that we can all feel happy and
safe for the up coming Diplomatic Ball in the evening.
This is what our school looks like in the morning, it looks
kinda messy because of the rain. But the gardener who
has been taking care of the plants is unstoppable even
in the rain. He still keeps all plants wonderful.

And there I am, being vain and weird in the morning.
I took this picture of myself because I think the lighting
is kinda cool~! XD

Then when afternoon came, me and my other classmates
went home early that day. Even though it's still raining
and all! We still continued to go to our Diplomatic Ball.
I was the one who fixed myself. I put some make-up,
arranged my hair and dressed up myself. I never thought
that I will look that good~! This is what I look like and I
was inside the taxi cab when I took these photos:
Forgive me for looking so girly weird.

It's raining kinda hard outside and my dad is on the front
seat and I was there looking at the window of the taxi cab.
All I see outside are droplets of rain, people holding an
umbrella, kids playing in the rain and foggy places. It was
cold at that time and I'm kinda shivering because of the
dress that I was wearing, but still I feel excited as we came
much closer to our destination which is Dusit Thani Hotel
in Makati City.

When we arrived at the hotel, I saw my coursemates. They
were wearing beautiful dresses and the guys looks so
handsome with there coat and tie. The interior design of the
hotel is really awesome, wonderful and incredible~! It feels
like you're in a different place. Everything is elegant and
you can really say WOW! It is a super great place~!  I sat
at the sofa at lobby and as I look outside, it still raining but
it's not that heavy. Just a little bit of rain.

Then, my dad went somewhere and so I stayed there at the
hotel waiting for my classmates. I went to the powder room
to cool up myself and as always, I took some vain pictures
of mine. XDDD Omg! So Girly, so Gorgeous and so NOT
ME! >-<

After so many minutes of waiting for our classmates, they
finally came! But still, it's a good thing that I know a lot
of higher year levels of International Studies student. So
I didn't get much bored in waiting for them and it's also a
good thing that Joshua (1st year Representative) which
is also my classmate, came early and because of that!
I have someone to talk with. Then, when we are all inside
the ball room, Ate Jacque (President of ISSO) welcomed
us all and the Simulation of Diplomatic and Consular
Practices started.

In the formal dinner, we ate our dinner in a classy way.
So many different kinds of spoon and fork. And I don't
even know what to use~! @A@ But then, I still managed
to eat elegantly. This is sooooo not me ~! XDD The food
is really delicious and I'm satisfied with what we ate that
night. Here's the menu and the picture of the foods!

 This is the name of our table~! >w<

Here's the menu for tonight's formal dinner

Ok, so first we ate this cute bread. And it was really delicious!
I don't know why but that bread is really soft and tasty! >w<

Then, the appetizer! Smoked Tangugie and Dill cream.
The fish is so freaking delicious however, I don't like the
taste of the vegetable. That green and violet thingy. I don't
like it >.< It taste bitter and weird @A@

Then next is the Soup~! OMG! It's Cream of Pumpkin Soup
with Lemon grass and it's totally delicious! Because of this
soup, my tummy was full! =((( But seriously, I really love the
taste of this soup, the mouth watering flavor! So delicious~!
Every time I see this picture, I remember the time when I was
eating it! Ohhh.. I will never forget your goodness my dear
soup! You're so YUMMY! >w<

And finally, the main course! Hmm.. the name is too long,
but, oh it's Chicken Cordon Bleu with Lemon Butter risotto
cake and sauteed mixed vegetables. Ok, I really love this
food! Just like the pumpkin soup, it is very delicious! The
meat so tender, so soft and soooooo yummy! However, I
didn't get to finish it cause I'm so freaking full and I want to
eat some deserts! But, if I'm given a chance to eat here again,
I will definitely eat this awesome food again!

Well, if you are asking for our drinks it's Iced Tea =3

While waiting for the deserts, I took some pictures of my
classmates and I also took some pictures of myself.

This Beautiful girl is Angelica <3

That handsome guy in middle is Neil =D

And this is Boss Francis~! Hahaha XD

Then our deserts finally came! Oh my goodness! This is
the most delicious desert I ever tasted! >w< So Yummy!
I like the cute butterfly chocolate at the top! It's so cute!
And all those sweet fruits! So delicious! I love Caramel
Custard! Even though my tummy is already full, I still
ate it! So sweet and tasty~!

Then, they made us choose our drinks for the night, it's
either Tea or Coffee. I chose Coffee~! And it's black coffee.
Uggggh >-< It is so bitter!

So I poured some milk and creamer into the coffee to
make it's taste sweet. However, it's still bitter. QAQ

The night is still young, but my dad is already calling me,
he told me that we should really go. Cause my brother's
JS (Junior Senior) Prom is about to end. Even though the
program is still continuing, I told my classmates and our
Seniors that I'll go home early. So after saying my good
byes to them, I went to the hotel's lobby and there I saw
my dad singing on the stage. He looks happy but I think
he drank some beer. After paying his bills. We went out
and took a taxi cab.

Then when we arrived at Traders Hotel, I saw my brother and
my mom with my brother's girlfriend and her parents. It was
really a wonderful night. And my brother was a nominee for
the male face of the night. Unfortunately he didn't win, but his
girlfriend won as the face of the night. I think it was about 12am
when we arrived back home but we still took some photos
before fixing ourselves.

It was really a night to remember and I will always cherish
all our awesome memories in the ball.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Come back POST!!

Finally, school days has ended. No more freaking bloody
exams. No more boring lessons and discussions. And no
moreeeeeeee early wake ups!! Today is the last day of our
exams and I freaking hope that I will get high grades in all
of my subjects.

It been a month since the last time I updated my blog. 
Well guys, I'm finally back to write about weird random 
stuffs happening in my life. Every thing is kinda blurry in 
my mind, however, I hope to remember all the things that
happened to be for the past weeks as I write.

I think my last post was February 20, and I'm trying to
remember the things that happened after that day. I'll just
write different  articles of the events that happened to me
for the last months. Like the event that happened last
February 22, it was Diplomatic Ball and it was held at Dusit
Thani Hotel, Makati. The next day, February 23, we had our
Barangay visit in my NSTP class. There I met an obedient
little kid, who obeys what we teach to him. He isso cute and
after NSTP class. I had adate with my boyfriend at UP AME
and it  was held at World Trade Center. After our awesome
date we went at Luneta to meet with my cousins. We had 
our date that because the next day which is February 24, is
our 3rd monthsary. So we celebrated it the day before. Then
the next day, my aunt bought me some cool stuffs when we
went to go shopping. 

Then, my school life is just full of finals, finals! Finals Every
where! Finals is full of quizzes, exams, long discussions and
super boring days. And because of finals! I became sick!
And I'm also having some  problems with some of my
subjects cause some of my it where low in my Midterms. 

Then, me and my groupmates in PE  practiced the dance that
we are going to perform for our finals in PE. Our dance is
Pandanggo sa Ilaw and we just practiced it for one day. 
But the good thing is, when we performed it in our class.
We made it through and we even got  29/30 in our Finals.
I really don't like dancing but if I should do it  for my grades
then, bring it on!

I'm also having problems with my Final Exam in Filipino which
is a music  video that we should lead in. And thank God, we
finished  it so freaking fast. Lol XD I never even thought that
it would be that AWESOME~! I thank my cool partner Koko
for directing it, taking us videos and my awesomely editing it.
If you want to see our Final Exam Music Video just click the 
link below:

                       You belong with me by Koko Eje
~Forgive my weird face in this video my project partner made.

My mind is still buffering I can't seems to remember it all!
Hmmm... Last February 26, we helped the HRM student
Organization with their event. Me and my friends cosplayed
there for the publicity of our Organization. It was fun and 
tiring but still awesome~! >w<

Ok, here's some of the pictures, I cosplayed Fem! Sealand.
and we took this photos at the Tan Yankee Garden,  I even
danced Ponpon at the batibot and after our danced, we went
at the Garden to take some pictures.

Ate Erika and Marlene

My handsome boyfriend~!

Then, March 1! We went on a cosplay event that was held
on SM Sta. Mesa. Then again, I had a date with my awesome
boyfriend. We sang on the Karaoke and ate dinner together.
Then the next day, Ate Anna invited my boyfriend Arjay to
go with us at the Mall. It was really awesome and sweet and
we even won cute small Doraemon stuff toy! 

Then the most awesome of all was our Family Swimming!
My mom and my aunt invited my boyfriend and I'm really
glad that they like him, accepted him as my boyfriend. That
day was really fun, exciting and unforgettable. Well, I'll just
post the pictures in the next article that I will write. But for
now, these are the things that happened to me for the past
weeks and days.

I already posted some of my stories, you can just go to my
blog and look at it.

Well, see you again soon! I'm having quite a head ache