Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bonding time w/ Asuka-chan!

After a week of LAZINESS, I'm back~! XDDD

Now I actually forgot what had happened to me these
past day -.-""

Oh well, I'll start this post about my bonding time with
Asuka, cause that's the only event that happened to me
that I can quite remember.... Every thing is blurry in my
mind... Soooo SORRY QAQ

Well, last wednesday (August 19, 2012) me and my
awesome friend Asuka went to Cubao, to watch a UAAP
basketball game (Adu VS UE) at Araneta Coliseum. When
we arrived at Cubao via LRT, we found a shop at Gateway
where they sell some awesome MANGA volumes and we
even found a Yaoi Manga there, I was tempted to buy the
manga but then, I controlled myself and walked away at
the store. After some time, we got lost and realized that
we are on Farmers Mall, then we ate lunch at Jollibee and
quickly went to Araneta to check if it is okay to go inside,
but then the guard told us to come back at 1:30pm cause
the game that we're going to watch starts at 2pm. Then
that's when we realized that we're so freaking early~! So we
just walk around the place, then suddenly we found an
ice cream shop, Dairy Queen! We bought some ice cream
and stayed there for a while~!! Btw, mines Cookies and
Cream (favorite flavor) while Kitkat for Asuka~!!  X3


Asuka-chan writting something on her diary!
I can't even understand it, cause she's writing it on Japanese!

After eating some delicious ice cream we roamed around
Gateway and found some interesting stuffs! We even found
our classmate Eunice there, we saw her 10 times?! LOLOL XD
it's so freaking funny cause every time we go to another floor
or some other places, we suddenly see her! It's so freaking
unexpected so we just laugh at ourselves and greet her again
and again. LOLOLOLOL XDDD We're so crazy that day~! XD
When 1:30pm came, we went back at Araneta Coliseum and
waited for the game to start.
Tickets :DD

Some dudes gave this to us outside Araneta XD
At first we don't really know the pusrpose of this
but then, you just have to blow them...
Blow them like this.....

and you will get this~! yey!! XDD

And again some more pictures before the game starts~!
Bwahahaha XD
I loook so freaking weird in here XD

Me and Asuka-chan~!! XDD

Just like what I expected, it won't start at the exact time,
I think it started at 2:30? XD LOL Can't remember, but I know
that it started quite late... When that game finally starts I took
a picture of the players! bwahahahaha XDD

Then I also took some pictures of my fellow schoolmates~!

Then finally the game has ended, guess who won the game?
UE~! This is seriously unexpected XDD But then, I'm still
happy that we won XDD Such a memorable day for the both
of us (Asuka & Me). This is our first date together LOL XD

Well, that's all... But what just happened to me over the
week is ummm.. well play SIMS 3 all day, cause we didn't
had our classes for two days XDD Thank you HOLIDAYS XD
And last monday we went at Kaichou's (Ate Carla) house to
practice our dance for the upcoming event... And yesterday,
we went at Kaichou's house again XD We just wanted to visit
her house again because it's so freaking cool and peaceful~!
Oh yeah, next week will be bloody again.. Cause it's BLOODY
MIDTERM WEEK and I think I'm dying -.-"" BYE GUYS!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

K-on K-on Time~!

Last 2 weeks ago, I finished watching the whole series
of K-on season 2 and after that, I also watched it's
movie and finished it the day after. Me and my best
friends are a super fan of K-on~! And we even use
the character's name as our own name code, now
that I remember it again, I freaking miss my K-on
friendssss~! QAQ

Well, here are some of the screenshots in K-on
season 2. By the way, here's a short intro about what
toexpect on K-on season 2. Mio, Ritsu, Yui & Mugi
are finally seniors students, and next year Azusa is
the only one left in the K-on club! Will they find a new
club members on a short period of time? Or will the club
be disbanded again? If you want to know what will happen,
check it out now, WATCH IT NOOOOW DUDEEEE~!

Screenshots: (K-on season 2)
I hate spoilers myself and I don't want to spoil anyone so
yeah, all the screenshots that you'll see in here, won't
give you some spoilers (I think?) XDDD

(Left to Right)


YUIIII~!! That's a crayon~!

No Yui, you just worn Nodoka's glasses!

Azu-nyan sooo CUTE *A*



You can see this at the opening song ^_^

season 2, ending video

And now, for K-on the Movie! Well, about it... Ummmm
I just can't tell you the plot cause I'll end up spoiling the
whole movie, but yeah the screenshots will show you some
clues and actually, it's a bit of a spoiler soooo, please forgive
meeeee QAQ Here's the screenshot clues :DDD

Guess where they going :D

Out of the country

This place will tell you where...

And also this, nyaaa Azusa so cutee~!

Well, end of the clues!


Thank yooooouuuu K-on for making me cry twice!!
I LOOOOVEE YOU! Well, my best friend told me that there
will be a season 3! It seems legit, so yeah I'll be waiting for it~!

                                 THANK YOU HTT
                            (HO-KAGO TEA TIME)

Here's Azusa & Sawa-chan crying, the best picture to end
my long K-on full of pictures post XD

Friday, August 10, 2012

Non-stop rain= no class for 4 days

It has been raining non-stop for the past 5-6 days here in the
Philippines, floods everywhere & people suffering from the
tragic calamity. Even my school is flooded and the hospital
where my mom and dads works in is flooded too. We prayed
for the safety of our friends, relatives & countrymen, hoping
that the rain will stop and floods to subside.

This is how our School looks like for the past days:

(Credits to the respective owners of the pictures:)


                                            UERM HOSPITAL

Stranded inside the house, but we are still lucky to have
electricity and clean water. Played nothing but Sims 3
for the past days, cause our internet is having some
trouble, sometimes it works & sometimes it's not.

Simsss 3
I'm a stylisssst

She's sooo great at sketching

A portrait of my Maid :D

My trip to China~!
Cause China isss sooo COOL

Buying some souvenirs~!  

She's painting an awesome painting and I sold it for
$1300 XDD

Painting a beautiful girl :D

Then yesterday, our internet finally cooperates with me,
I've finally finished watching Black Rock Shooter (OVA).
And I'll watch the series soon when I'm not that lazy to
wait for the buffering.

But today Mr. Sun is finally shinning up in the sky and
I really missed him a lot~! Now is the time to do the 
laundry, but it's freaking irritating cause now, we don't
have a freaking water to use. Our local water supply told
us that they're trying to fix the problem and sooner this
day we will have the clean water that we paid for. Well,
I hope the weather will be as good as this for the next
coming days, cause I really missed School~! (actually
my friends/classmates & fun, not the school itself.)

That's all ~! I hope you're safe and doing fine~!