Friday, August 10, 2012

Non-stop rain= no class for 4 days

It has been raining non-stop for the past 5-6 days here in the
Philippines, floods everywhere & people suffering from the
tragic calamity. Even my school is flooded and the hospital
where my mom and dads works in is flooded too. We prayed
for the safety of our friends, relatives & countrymen, hoping
that the rain will stop and floods to subside.

This is how our School looks like for the past days:

(Credits to the respective owners of the pictures:)


                                            UERM HOSPITAL

Stranded inside the house, but we are still lucky to have
electricity and clean water. Played nothing but Sims 3
for the past days, cause our internet is having some
trouble, sometimes it works & sometimes it's not.

Simsss 3
I'm a stylisssst

She's sooo great at sketching

A portrait of my Maid :D

My trip to China~!
Cause China isss sooo COOL

Buying some souvenirs~!  

She's painting an awesome painting and I sold it for
$1300 XDD

Painting a beautiful girl :D

Then yesterday, our internet finally cooperates with me,
I've finally finished watching Black Rock Shooter (OVA).
And I'll watch the series soon when I'm not that lazy to
wait for the buffering.

But today Mr. Sun is finally shinning up in the sky and
I really missed him a lot~! Now is the time to do the 
laundry, but it's freaking irritating cause now, we don't
have a freaking water to use. Our local water supply told
us that they're trying to fix the problem and sooner this
day we will have the clean water that we paid for. Well,
I hope the weather will be as good as this for the next
coming days, cause I really missed School~! (actually
my friends/classmates & fun, not the school itself.)

That's all ~! I hope you're safe and doing fine~!

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