Saturday, July 6, 2013

MTV VMAJ 2013- Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

Best Pop Music Video Award goes to:


The winner of Best Karaoke Song is:


\(^O^)/ *fangirl screams* \(^O^)/

Congratulations Kyary-sama!!!

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is nominated for Best Pop Video
and Best Karaokee Song with her awesome song 
"Fashion Monster". I'm so glad when I heard that she's
nominated for these award, and when I was watching 
MTV VMAJ, I'm so glad  seeing her in TV! And suddenly,
when they announced that she won, I screamed her name
and jumped  for joy!  She won both awards that she's
nominated. I'm so proud of Kyary-sama~! Keep up the
good work Kyary Pamyu Pamyu!!! Omedetou~!!!!!

For those people who haven't watched or seen her
music video Fashion Monster here it is:

There's also a bonus on MTV VMA Japan! She performed 
her new song "Invader Invader" and also one of my
favorite KPP song "Ninjari Bang Bang". 

Her performance was amazingly great and she totally
looks adorable in her outfit. She gracefully sang her songs
and she looks so freaking cute while dancing cheerfully
at the stage.  I freaking want to see her in person, 
hug her, take a picture with her and sing with her!
*faints while imaging it* /shot/

Let's all celebrate KPP Fans!!!!
again, CONGRATULATIONS Kyary Pamyu Pamyu!!!

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