Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tourism/HRM Event

Before I write my awesome story for today, I want
to greet my uncle Tanny HAPPY BIRTHDAY~! :D
And also greet my parents belated WEDDING
Anniversay~!!  I didn't post anything yesterday
cause I was soooo lazy and my cousin Ate Jesther
was here :3

Now let's go to my story for today~! Our
organization was invited to attend a seminar about
Japanese culture today, and we cosplayed there~!
Then we danced and yeah, I look so freaking weird
there~!! It's so FUN because we got to bond and
do a lot of awesome and crazy things with each
other, and we even got a new org member~! haha

The SWEETEST part about it is that, the guy I
like the most is there to watch me dancing >///<
Oh my gosh... I'm so happy about it that it makes
my heart melt <3 seriouslyyyyyy <3 he's so
freaking sweet that day >///<

I'm just going to post the pictures tomorrow, cause
I feel so tired nowwwww~! Sowwweeeee, I'm just
going to edit it ~!! So you better wait for it, ok?

Oyasumiiiiii :3


lol sorry for making you wait for almost 3 weeks~!
here's the pictures:

Lololol XD
I hate my wrist watchhh QAQ


Peace yo~!

The GakUEn realm~! X33


Roeffey (Tsuna) & Arjay (Stein)
Roeffey looks AWESOME in here and Arjay is like...
Lol ang CUTE mo pre XD


YAOI scene.. lol joke

Thisssss is weird? XD

From left to right Nerry, Mai & Kaichou Carla

And here's a video of us Dancing XDD
lol enjoy my failure~!

My weird dance -.-""
(Ponponpon- Kyary dance cover)

Night Earthlings~!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Things I love the most: Bloody Movies

I got depressed these past days because of my freaking
grades, especially on my freaking subject, Algebra. Now
I really don't  know how to continue studying hard if I
can't even get a high grade on those freaking exams! Oh
my, I think I'm losing all my confidence for this subject -.-""

Anyway, these are some of the things that keeps me from
moving forward or keeps me from moving on. Last Sunday,
I've watched a very awesome movie, entitled BATTLE
ROYALE it's a Japanese movie where it consist of some
bloody scenes and brutal killings. The plot is about the
BR program, which the students are isolated in an island
and they are required to fight the other members of there
class until there is only one person alive. Only ONE must
SURVIVE this game or else the collars attached in there
neck will explode and there will be no winner. It is such an
awesome movie, like seriously I love watching movies like

This dude reminds me of someone I know XD

This artwork is sooo freaking weird & awesome at the
same time~!! LOLOL XD Their Sensei draw it X3

And the Class picture, this is the whole cast :)

And now for the next movie that I've watched yesterday,
SUICIDE CIRCLE.... Well, I can't really tell how the plot
is about cause if I do, I'll just end up spoiling you the whole
movie. However, just like battle royale this movie is also
BLOODY and kinda GORY. If you hate disgusting stuffs,
ummmm... I guess you better not watch it... Unlike battle
royale, where there they kill each other, in here it's not. Just
like the title itself, suicide circle or suicide club is full of
massive suicides and weird deaths. The first scene is just
so freaking weird and disgusting, but heck yeah, I still love
bloody movies and for me this is the BLOODIEST and
GORIEST movie that I've watched. Just a warning, this movie
is not for kids under 12 years of age, cause surely this kind
of movie will disgust youuuuu.....

First scene: TRAIN SCENE
fudgeee this scene~! I can still here the crunchy bodies
being crushed into pieces... QAQ

The stupidest scene, shesssh those students are freaking
weird to really do it. I can't freaking believe them T___T

And lastly, the four girls that I love the most~!
Encouraging people to kill themselves is a genius idea~!!

Good night Earthlings~! =DDD

Sunday, September 9, 2012

End of laziness XD

So yeah, I think I haven't been updating for almost a week?
I guess, Oh well, here I am back from my world of laziness!
Seriously now I my mind is really blurry... I should really
stop being lazy and continue to update my blog....

Ummm... last monday Sept 3, 2012 we celebrated Pista ng
Silanggan or Araw ng Wika, yeah I know it's a bit late cause
it should be celebrated on the last week of August, but
because of our Midterms it has been moved. Well, before I
tell you on what had happened on that day, I just wanted to
share this, before the event started, we really rushed all the
props that we're going to use. So last sunday me and my
classmates went to UE to finish all the props and heck yeah!
It's my first time to go out on sundays without my relatives
or parents accompanying me! A great freaking experience~!!

The next day is the day of our event. And dude! I really
looked weird that day and I don't even want to remember how
I looked,  because of that I'm just going to post this picture of
us cause I did't allow anyone to take a solo picture of me XD

After this freaking event, wednesday finally came! That day
me, Carl & Arjay went to west ave., to buy my awesome Miku
Wig~!! And here it is, me wearing my awesome Miku Wig~!

Miku Hatsune desu~!

yes, I know I'm freaking small -.-""

After buying the wig, we went to SM North Edsa and ate lunch
there, we ate at Tokyo Tokyo. Well, me & Carl didn't really
wanted to eat there, but because we lost on Janken with Arjay
we have to freaking choice but to eat there!

*I'm going to post the pictures soon, cause Arjay didn't upload
it yet...

I think that concludes my story for the week? XD
Well, that's all~!! XDDD