Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tourism/HRM Event

Before I write my awesome story for today, I want
to greet my uncle Tanny HAPPY BIRTHDAY~! :D
And also greet my parents belated WEDDING
Anniversay~!!  I didn't post anything yesterday
cause I was soooo lazy and my cousin Ate Jesther
was here :3

Now let's go to my story for today~! Our
organization was invited to attend a seminar about
Japanese culture today, and we cosplayed there~!
Then we danced and yeah, I look so freaking weird
there~!! It's so FUN because we got to bond and
do a lot of awesome and crazy things with each
other, and we even got a new org member~! haha

The SWEETEST part about it is that, the guy I
like the most is there to watch me dancing >///<
Oh my gosh... I'm so happy about it that it makes
my heart melt <3 seriouslyyyyyy <3 he's so
freaking sweet that day >///<

I'm just going to post the pictures tomorrow, cause
I feel so tired nowwwww~! Sowwweeeee, I'm just
going to edit it ~!! So you better wait for it, ok?

Oyasumiiiiii :3


lol sorry for making you wait for almost 3 weeks~!
here's the pictures:

Lololol XD
I hate my wrist watchhh QAQ


Peace yo~!

The GakUEn realm~! X33


Roeffey (Tsuna) & Arjay (Stein)
Roeffey looks AWESOME in here and Arjay is like...
Lol ang CUTE mo pre XD


YAOI scene.. lol joke

Thisssss is weird? XD

From left to right Nerry, Mai & Kaichou Carla

And here's a video of us Dancing XDD
lol enjoy my failure~!

My weird dance -.-""
(Ponponpon- Kyary dance cover)

Night Earthlings~!!

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