Friday, January 25, 2013

Hey there January!

So freaking busy for the past weeks.. And I'm always going
out to go to different places. 

Last January 11, Ate Jesther went here at our house to stay 
for a while and me, my brother and her went to Cavite the 
next day. I never expected that my parents would let us travel
there without them! Awesome experience is awesome!! Before
we travel to Cavite, we went at Ortigas to meet up with our 
cousin Ate Meg and Joshua. Then after seeing them, we ride 
the bus to Cavite. So freaking traffic, we seated at the bus for 
almost 2 & 1/2 hours.

And when we arrived, the rain is pouring heavily. Good thing
I brought my umbrella! When we arrived at my Auntie's house
we ate dinner and after eating dinner, I opened the computer
and played LOL (League Of Legends) HAHAHA!! Then, I think
it was 12am, when they suddenly think of watching a horror
movie. So I took my bro's earphone, seat at there back and slept.
When I woke up, their done watching the movie so we went to
bed to sleep. 

Sunday morning, we all waked up, rushed to eat our breakfast
and took a 10 min bath. We hurriedly dressed ourselves and
ran to ride the car. Finally, my nephew is going to get baptize,
when we arrived at the church, we waited for a while then! Yey!
Party party! (Sorry if I'm kinda retarded right now) I ate lunch
with my cousins and bond with them. When it's finally 5pm, our
parents called our auntie and told her that we have to go home.
Then me and my brother traveled back to Manila. And I think we
arrived at 8pm. It was really a tiring day and I'm so happy that day!

<I'll post the pictures soon if I have some free time!>

Hmmm... Let's just skip the school days or week days cause I
can't freaking remember what happened to me those past days
or week. 

I don't know why, but sunday has been a super memorable day
for me this January! Last sunday January 20, Ciara, Dale and me
went at Arjay's house to celebrate Fiesta! So freaking awesome,
I experienced to walk on a "PRUSISYON" and see Arjay lift up a
Sto. Nino. Ate so many foods and meet my boyfriend's family,
cousins & relatives. It was so fun and we even watched a weird
movie! Then at 7pm, we finally went home. It was really tiring, the
PRUSISYON is very crowded and it's my first time to walk in a 
crowded place. But, it's still worth it and I will never forget that
awesome day!  However, the next day, Arjay Ouji-sama became sick
and he didn't attend his classes for two days. Awww :'''(

And yesterday, we celebrated our Monthsary :*
HAPPY MONTHSARY AGAIN my dearest boyfriend ARJAY :*

This is really a busy week and my mind is full of weird things...
Oh well, I hope this coming week will be good to me and I just
remembered! Fudge MIDTERM EXAMS are right in the corner!

GRANDFATHER! Who's turning 90 tomorrow =D

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