Sunday, January 6, 2013

Trip to Baguio and Yokozo 2013!!

Ok before I start my story for the new year...
I'm gonna tell you first everything that happened to me
at our trip to Baguio the city of Pines!

So went at Baguio last December 27, seriously we traveled
for 7 hours -.-"" So all I do in the bus is nothing but sleep
for all those times. I got so tired easily and I'm the most
impatient person that you'll ever meet. One thing I hate the
most is waiting, and I really got irritated that the travel time
is so long. But still, when we got there, it's really worth it
and it's so freaking COLD~!! I LOVE COLD PLACES *A*

Here are some of the pictures that I took in the bus:

What it looks like inside the bus, they closed the lights so
that the people can sleep soundly and I think it's 4:30 am
when I took this.

Forgive me, I was really bored at that time and my cellphone
is my only friend, I suddenly wake up this time and looked
at my phone then took this and slept again XD

Then suddenly, we all waked up! Terminal stop over, my mom
and my aunt buy some foods at that time, and I took some
pictures of my cute niece Maan.

Then I took some photos when the camera is in my hands
HAHAHAHA XD Forgive me for being so bored...

Then after 7 hours of boredom and sitting inside the bus
(seriously, my butt hurts QAQ) Finally!! We're in Baguio!!!
Then I took this photo when we're inside the taxi~! X3
Oh the smell of the nature, the cold breeze and the scenery
of wonderful trees! >w<

And yes!! We finally arrived home! I missed this home a lot
and I think it's almost been 5 years since the last time I stayed
here! And yes, this home is really awesome and comfortable
and what I love about this place is that it's so freaking damn
cold!! You don't need an electric fan nor an aircon. When you
live in Baguio you don't need those things =DDD You can just
feel the cold air blowing you. LOL XD And here are some of
the pictures I took inside our house. Now my blog will be full
of Maan's pictures.

Such a cute girl, just like me >:)))))

I took this at our veranda, actually that's my favorite part
of the house. I can freely relax and text (the only place where
you can get a strong signal)

The little girl is curios about the whole place! >w<
Curious mind <3

Then, we stayed in the house for a while and went to Mines
View~! I really love travelling and walking XDDD When I get
tired of walking, I'll just think about that I'm having an exercise
and this will make me sexy. When we finally arrived, the first
thing I saw was this jacket! Seriously?! UE ?? XDD DAFUQ
I didn't got a picture of the back side of it, but what is written
in it was University of the East. Dude seriously?! Why would
they sell this here? O.o

And here are some of the other pictures that I took there:

Strawberry Taho!!! So freaking delicious! Hmmm..Yummy =9
The strawberry bits, it's so sweet and soft! I want to eat this
again *A*

Isn't it delicious my cute little niece?? X3

Then Maan rode at the cute horse >///< PINK <3

Then here's a weird picture of me, pimples get out of my
face! /(=3=)/

Me, Maan and Mommy! So many humans ~(=3=)~

And oh! I tasted the INIHAW NA PUSIT (Grilled Octopus)
It was salty and kinda bitter but still, it's freaking delicious!
You just have to eat it fast before it gets cold~!

After Mines View, The Mansion! \(^o^)/
We just stayed there to take some pictures, that's all and oh,
suddenly PNOY arrived! lalalala~!! ~(=3=)~

Oh!! Why am I soooo CHUBBY! //shot

Then after some time we stopped by at SM Baguio~!!!
When we got there, we where so hungry so we ate our dinner
at KFC, then roamed around the mall~!!

Weird smile is weird XDD And what's with Maan? XD

Then after hours of travelling and going to some places,
finally we arrived home!! And then the next day, we again went
somewhere and walked and walked and walked! My feet is so
tired, and my niece is complaining a lot. HAHAHA XDD
The next day, we went at the Grotto to pray and buy some
souvenirs and after that we went at the market to look for some
good things to buy. When we where on the market, again we
got tired and so we went at McDonald to eat mirienda. Then
after a long day we went back home and relaxed. Because the
next day we're going back to Manila~! Yey!! \(^o^)/

Here are some of the picturesss~!!
I think this was taken at the Grotto XDD Ok I look weird XD

And I took these vain shots at McDonald~! Those big eyes!
OAO <3 aaahhhh This girl doesn't even look like mee!!

Maan Maxene B. Teotico, my cute little niece who loves
Disney Princesses and Barbie ~(=o=)~

Then I took this pictures when we got home! HAHA
She was trying to open the doors to the veranda, but it was
locked and so she got tired and......

.....just stayed there at the back of the chairs and tried to
open it again XD Then when she really got tired and finally
gave up and....

....gets something to eat and watched some cartoon on the
tv. Then after that, we went to bed because the next day,
we're finally going back home!!

Saturday morning, you can hear the birds chirping  outside,
feel the cold morning breeze and see the flowers blooming
beautifully and I was there at the sofa, looking curiously
outside the closed door waiting for my mom to call me out
and told me that "JANE YOU SHOULD TAKE A BATH NOW"
And I replied, "BUT IT'S SO DAMN COLD" And so I got up
from the Sofa and pushed away my Laziness.... I don't want
them to get angry, scold me and yell at me... So yeah...

What I look like after taking a bath, LOL XDDD I only put
that cap when I was taking some pictures, but after that I
removed it immediately cause my hair is still wet -.-""

And now, the many pictures of Maan~!!! Took this in our
house while waiting for the taxi to arrive~! HAHAHAHA

Mommy and Maan~!!! X3

The awesome shoes that I bought, THOSE HEELS!! ~(*w*)~

Yehey! Finally!! The Taxi arrived, we can finally go ride the
bus!! And oh~! We saw my aunt, uncle and my cousins at
the bus terminal!!! OMG! ATE JENNY! WHY U SO PRETTY?

Seriously, I'm so in love with my ate Jenny!! She's the most
beautiful girl that you'll ever met! I LOVE YAH ATE :*
Then, when the time of our departure time came, they also
leave the terminal and went back to the place they where
staying in! Again, some of the pictures I took inside the bus,
I  was again bored and my head hurts a lot... I can't even sleep
well and I really wanted to puke, good thing I controlled myself

And when we got home at December 29, it's already night
time and the time I got back home, I slept and relaxed my
whole body! HAHAHAHA

Now for my NEW YEAR STORY!!! Hmmm... I didn't do much
in the morning but when the night comes the PARTY
STARTED!! I drank some wine and I think I'm kinda drunk
that night then after that SKYPE TIME with my Ouji-sama!


Now my weird pictures to end this post...

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