Thursday, May 9, 2013

Kyary Inspired eye make-up~!

So I have been thinking of making a post about my
awesome idol, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu~!!!! >w<
Here it is! =P

She inspired me to do some cute, weird and awesome
make-ups! I like her styles it's so unique! A lot of
people has different kinds of reactions about her styles!
When you hear her voice you will absolutely fell in love
with her! Her voice is super duper adorably cute! And
her songs? So catchy =D

I became addicted with her, the moment I hear her song
PONPONPON! Even though a lot of people don't like the
weirdness of her music video. I freaking love it! She is so
adorable and awesome! And that song is really catchy
that I can't stop singing it! And that was last 2011, but
I'm still addicted to that song! Never dying Kyary fan!

If you haven't seen that video, click the link below:

And because I really really like her~! I got these pictures
from the fan base facebook pages, blogs and other sites.
Credits to all of you >w< KYARY KYARY KYARY!!

Then last summer I tried to put some fake eyelashes and try
to look like kyary-sama~! >-< But I guess I failed hahaha!
Oh well XDDD Here's some of my pictures:
Forgive my ugly wig, tanned skin and eyebags! >-< OTL

But today, I tried it again and guess what? I improved my
make-up skills \(^O^)/ Even though I still have my large ugly
eyebags, but ecause of make-up its freaking gone! hahaha!
Ok =D I'm totally proud of myself !! \(>w<)/  Here's a picture
of me wearing a wig =D

I'm not wearing a wig here =P

Well, I can't really say that this is some kyary insipred
make-up cause Kyary has different kinds of styles =)))
 So, I call my photos "Kyary  inspired eye make-up"
 But, she's known for her tsukema tsukeru (fake eyelashes)
cause she has a line for it. Harajuku Doll Eyelashes by
Eyemazing x Kyary: Credits goes to

Here's the link for where they talked about
her line of fake eyelashes =D

Well, that's all for today! Have a nice day ~!
Good night Earthlings ~! This is Nerry-chan from the country
of Philippines, a fan of the super duper kawaii (cute), awesome
and beautifully weird Harajuku model kyary pamyu pamyu~! =D

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