Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Summer Vacation!

Summer! So freaking hot! I can't even relax that much!
So many freaking chores to do everyday and I can't
even finish an anime series or a freaking game! QAQ

But today is very awesome day cause today is the
birthday of  my super loving, caring, beautiful bestfriend
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABES! May you have a super
awesome birthday, more birthdays to come deary~!
And I hope you win the upcoming Judo Tournament this
coming May 4! Stay kind and friendly as always!


Oh my, April is almost over! But I still have one month to
do all the stuffs that I wanted to do before summer ends!
However, I'm quite enjoying my summer cause I got
to play some awesome games in gameboy advance!
I downloaded a GBA Emulator so I can play some
awesome games in our PC! Cause my gameboy isn't
working anymore and I can't find my games. *sobs*

So I have been playing Harvest Moon Friends of
Mineral town, but because it's winter time in the game
and I became bored of it. I stopped playing it for a
while and maybe when I feel I like to play it again, I will
continue it somehow. But I'm happy that Popuri's heart
(the girl that I'm hitting on this game) is color already
orange and just one more event it will turn RED!! Yes!
But, until the winter season in this game is still around.
My laziness will continue.

Then, because I stopped playing harvest moon for a
while. I started playing Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
and I'm progressing in this game. But I'm not the only
one who is playing this game cause my brother sometime
plays it too. And he's the one who defeated the difficult
bosses so, hooray for him. And because my brother is so
freaking good with games like this! I stopped playing it
and then I found a new awesome game! *^*

The newly found game that I have been playing and I'm
not planning to abandon is FINAL FANTASY TACTICS
ADVANCE!!! The main character is Marche but, I changed
his name and re-named it Yael. Cause that's my nephew's
name. Lol XD Now I have 21 game characters and our clan
is already level 21~! Wooh~! I really love playing this game!
And I when I first played it, I stayed for almost 5 hours in
the Computer playing it! But now, I must maintain the 2-3
hours gaming hour cause I don't want my boyfriend getting
worried about me.

Moving on, the anime that I'm currently watching is
Sakurasou no pet na kanojo! I'm almost done! I'm already at
episode 20! And this anime has only 24 episodes! 4 episodes
to go and I will freaking finish it! *^*

Today is a very special day~! Not just because today is my
super awesome best friend's birthday but also, today we are
celebrating our 5th Monthsary~! ILOVEYOUSOMUCH my
beloved awesome boyfriend :*

Well, that's all folks~! HAVE A HAPPY VACATION!
I will freaking beat this summer heat by turning on
the aircon! lol whut? XDD HAHAHA! See yah soon!

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