Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Back to back Cosplay Events!!

Before all the awesome cosplay events, I want to tell you first
about what happened a week before that~! Last Sept 24-28 is
our school's foundation week and well if you are a UE student
you actually don't call it like that. We call it "Shawarma Week"
why? Because our school is full of Shawarma stands and you
can see it everywhere, like there was 6 freaking stands in our
school~!! LOL But it was really FUN XDD Although me and
Asuka where so freaking pressured on thinking about our
costumes for cosplay mania and our Finals on PE~!

And also my high school friend/best friend Ellis is there to
celebrate it with me :) We had an awesome date and we
are so freaking sweet~! Oh I've miss ellis :*** <3
And yes, I know I look weird without make-up!!
Dark skin, big eyebags & haggard face!!! hahaha lol XD

Btw, me and my groupmates practice our freaking dance
steps for our Finals in PE and guess what, we aced it~! X3
And here's angelica's henna tatto which she got on foundation
day after our practice on PE =D

Now here's my story about Cosplay Mania ~! last Sept 30,
me and my friends went there and cosplayed as a group.
Our Matryoshka group was so freaking awesome and Asuka
looks so handsome that day, Ate Alice is so beautiful, Ellis
is awesome & pretty as always and Carl is freaking cute~!
We also saw our other Org members there, like Arjay who

cosplayed Kirito= Sao, Roeffey as Tsuna -Hitman Reborn 
and Darren as Shaco- League of Legends. It's so freaking
FUN to bond with your close friends~! :D

(left to right)
Nerry, Asuka & Alice




Seriously, I'm freaking scared of that THING! QAQ

And so, we got tired of walking and taking pictures, so we
stop by at KFC to eat our lunch and my miku wig so freaking
tangled at this time -.-""

After that we went outside and took some pictures~!
all credits goes to Ellis & Alice~! :))))

This is my most favorite shot~! So Freaking COOOL~! X3

And heck yeah, Kaito-kun... ummmm.. what are you doing?

And this is my other favorite shot, lol XD
Actually I love all the shots and every shot is like my
favorite one XD Except this, it is like my most favorite of all
the pictures cause in here there is an another Kaito and
a Gakupo... Fudge this two guys are so freaking handsome!

etoooo... My Kaito is the best Kaito ever--- >///<
Asuka-chan~!! WHY SO HANDSOME? >///<

lololol, here's my Miku Matryoshka yandere mode!
M: Kaito-kun.. yo--you think I'm Pretty?! Oh my I'm gonna
stalk you day and night, rain or shine! I LOVE YOU KAITO

After our photo shoot with Kuya Patrick, Ellis took this
photo...  We where at the 3rd floor of SMX and this is how
it looks like from up here... You can see soooo many cars~!

After some several minutes we decided to go home and I
think that this is our last picture as SMX that day XD It was
taken at the escalator! Finally an awesome group picture of
us and we are freaking complete in here~!! XDD
Credits goes to Elijah (carl's boyfriend) XD

And a picture to end my second story.... lol XD

Now for the third and last story~!!! X3
Soooooo... last October 1, our Organization participated on
a Japanese Cultural Event at School =D Nihon Ongaku~!
We had an intermission number and we freaking danced
again XDDD Lol But I now, I wasn't cosplaying as Miku!
I crossdressed as Uzumaki Naruto (Gakuen Den version)
OH MY GOODNESS! I'm so freaking handsome that day!

Here are the weird and awesome pictures:
All credits goes to Darren and his awesome Camera~!

I told you, I'm handsome! But then to the kuya whoever he
is, lol you're a great photobomber -.-"" Thank youuu

Seriously, I can't find a freaking decent picture without our
photobomber friends... Btw, the dude at our back is Darren~!
(left) Carl & (right) Nerry....

Another photobomber at my back... And he looks like a
freaking ghost QAQ (right photo) Btw he's Roeffey...

Dudes CALM DOWN, here comes the awesome NARUTO
DAFUQ, what the heck those two doing there at back? And
Carl, what's with the beautiful smile? XD

LOL This~! I was like, oh my dear princess.. Why are you
so beautiful?? And Ate Krystalee was like Blush Blush >///<
hahahaha XDD lolololol XD

Again, I would like to thank my friends for being crazy and
I would also like to punch them for being an awesome
photobombers.... -.-"" Thanks dudes.... Thanks... -.-""

Well, here's GakUEn Realm! The most awesome organization
everrrrr~! :DDDDD

Last picture to end my post :)))))
Thanks for viewing and for reading my weird updates~!
Have a nice day dudeeeeee~!

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