Tuesday, November 27, 2012


This is a story about a guy named Furuya Chihiro who loves
nothing but Zombies, he collects anything that is related to
zombies and his dream is to kiss a zombie girl. But then one
day.. His beloved cat named Babu died. And so he decided to
resurrect it using a certain book that he found. But the problem
is, there is a single page that is torn in the middle and he can't
even find out what kind of poisonous plant he has to use.

He did a lot of attempts but later on he encounters a girl named
Sanka Rea which helped him to finished the resurrection potion.
They used the Hydrangea flower to complete the potion and
Babu was finally had resurrected. On the other hand, Rea had
tried to commit suicide so she drank the potion but nothing
happened. Later on she accidentally falls from the cliff and died
but then because she drank the potion she became Zombie who
eats Hydrangea Leaves to keep on living.

Now for my screenshots~! Some of it contains spoiler so I'm
sorry for the humans/aliens/animals who reads this post -.-""

Sanka Rea =)))


(SPOILER ALERT) When Chihiro told her that he saw her
and heard her screaming some "things". This is what she
told Chihiro:

Then this is what she looks like after she falls from a cliff
by accident. (I won't tell you how the heck she fell down
or what's the reason why, just watch it ok?)

Then she got resurrected, stood up and hugged Chihiro.
Now she's a ZOMBIE =))))

Babu is also a Zombie =)) a really cute little zombie cat!


Sankarea is a 12 episode anime, but the OVA has been
released last July and I haven't watched it yet.. I'll watch
it later =))

I'm currently watching Hyouka and Sakurasou no pet na
kanoujo an ongoing anime. =))) That's all~! See you again!


Friday, November 23, 2012

Fireworks Baby =)

TGIF Guys~! Hmmmm.....
A lot of things happened this week and I'm so thankful
for having a lot of awesome best friends~! And oh,
I also met a lot of new people whom I now consider as
friends and this people are so freaking fun to be with~!
There are also new members on our Organization and
just like what I expected they are friendly and awesome
just like the other otakus I met~! Haha =DDD

Enough with those things that happened last monday
to tuesday, lets now go to the most happiest day of the
week.. FRIDAY~! Today, a lot of weird and crazy things
happened to me.. Yesterday I was looking for my college
shirt in my closet but I can't find it anywhere T^T so I
told myself that I would just wear a pants instead but
then again, bad luck happens... My freaking pants is
still in the laundry and it hasn't been washed yet. So I
finally decided that I will just wear a skirt and try to look
like a girl for a day. Then yeah, shit happened a lot of
weird guys stared at me and I feel so freaking irritated!
And also, my friends in my class puts make-up on my
face and I looked so freaking girl... My manly side died
a little bit from all of it QAQ

After class, I stayed at Batibot with my awesome friends.
Chatted with them, sang some anime songs and just do
nothing & be crazy.... LOL XDD When Arjay's class
finally ended.. The awesome Me, Arjay & Johann leaves
and walked from UE all the way to my freaking weird home.
So yeah, they stayed there for a while and played with my
adorable niece Maan and cutie pie nephew Yael. Those
two seems to love playing with Arjay XD A-and ummm...
it's so adorable when they call him Kuya Arjay X3 Oh my
they look so freaking CUTE >///< <3 Oh myyyy *A*
Arjay looks like a freaking awesome big bro playing with
his little siblings... lalalala X3 So cute so cuteeeee ~!
And oh, Arjay & Johann also gave me a little yaoi fan
service >=3 hahaha~!!! Btw, If you are wondering why
the title of my post is "Fireworks" it's because Johann
keeps on telling us that... I wants to see the climax, the
fireworks... So yeah that's it (^o^) haha XD

Hmmm... For the pictures... Well, Angelica haven't uploaded
the pictures yet so... Just wait for it XDDD I look like a cat
in some of the pictures a-and I don't want to remember the
other thingssss~! hahaha XDD

For the anime review, I haven't finished watching Sankarea
and I'm planning to finish it later and after that I'll write an
anime review about it =)))))

Well, that's all for today~!
Magandang Gabi \(^o^)/

<edit> Ummmm... This is how I looked like last friday:
Make-up by: John Dave Pancho =) and
credits goes to miss Angelica Sta Ana =*

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I don't knowwwww!

So yeahhhh, Sem break ended so fast and I almost forgot all
the things that happened this past weeks...

And 2nd Semester just started last Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012
I'm glad that my blockmates from last sem are still my
classmates! Oh yeah~! But what I hate the most for this Sem
is that I have saturday classes T^T I hateeee it! I don't even
want to attend my NSTP class but still! It is a requirement for
all College Students! Anyway, last sunday me and my friends
(Ciara & Ellis) joined a choir in St. Anthony Church, Bustillos
and I met new friends there. I'm also overwhelmed with joy
cause Father Cielo loved our singing voice~! \(^o^)/ yey!

I have nothing much to tell about what's happening to me in
my school, but I would just like to say that our Japanese Org
is  finally legalized and nowww we can organize a cosplay
event at our awesome School! Ummm... For now I really have
to study harder and to get way more better so that I can pursue
my dreams and work in Japan someday =)) But nowww, I added
a new dream! I would really be happy if I could work on
Singapore together with an awesome dude named Arjay Lol XD
He's a freaking awesome friend of mine =) Dudeee Dimensional
Fudgeee you! haha~! XDDD

Oh sheet of paper, I almost forgottttt, ummm.... Last Oct 19, me
my parents, my tita and some family friends went to Davao, to
spend some of our time last sembreak... But up until now, I'm
still lazy to write an article about it.. Cause a lot of awesome
things and misfortune happened to us... But still, maybe I'll
write it someday this week or next week.. Cause I bet it's gotta
be a very long article! So ummm... wait for it! And maybe
remind me too XDD

For my otaku related something, well I've been reading the
manga of The World God Only Knows and I'm currently
reading chapter 181! Still a long wayyyy to go for me to read
the latest chapter! Gooooo~! FIGHTOOOO! \(>o<)/

That's all and ohhh~! A weird picture of me wearing this weird
cheer leading outfit my Aunt bought for me:
@Arjay, gomeneeee I know I look so freakinggg ugly here,
but I posted it anyway XDDD

I hope you'll have a wonderful nightmare =DDDD

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Oh my freaking Keima!

Le me fangirling again~!
Just finished watching The World God only knows season 2!
And I'm so freaking HAPPY right now cause I can finally
watch it's newly released OVA!~! Gosh I'm so freaking in love
with it since it was still a manga! I think they released the OVA
last october... hahaha

Well, sorry if I have been talking about it's season 2 and
it's OVA! But if you haven't watched the first season yet
or read it's awesome manga.. Then you better do it now dude!

Hmmm... So maybe I'll tell you about it's plot! Well here it is!
The main character is Katsuragi Keima or often called as
Otamegane by his classmates. He's an avid gamer of dating
games and he is also known as the God of Conquest or
Otoshi-gami! One day someone e-mailed him a contract if he
can "conquer girls"! He accepted it, not knowing that he have
to conquer girls in the real world not through his games...
Then suddenly, a demon named Elsie appeared and told him
that he have to help her catch some Loose Souls or else they'll
be both beheaded if they fail! And sooo the story begins!!
Haha XD As I told you before I'm not good at telling plots
so forgive me -.-"""

Ummm... that's all I have to say! Well bye bye! I have to
watch it's OVA cause sem break is almost over~!

Here's the screenshots for the World God only knows II!
=D Hope you like it!

Yeahhh~! What he said~!
Ummm... This is Katsuragi Keima~!

Playing games inside the classroom... Seems Legit

Those EYE *A* sooo cu-cuteeee >///<

Oh the girl on the left side is Elsie-chan~! ^o^

Katsuragi Keima is my future husband~! We're destined
to marry each other! Lol whut? XDD

Keima! So many KEIMA!! *nosebleed*

See you in my next post~! =D
Have a good day! And thanks for viewing~!