Friday, November 23, 2012

Fireworks Baby =)

TGIF Guys~! Hmmmm.....
A lot of things happened this week and I'm so thankful
for having a lot of awesome best friends~! And oh,
I also met a lot of new people whom I now consider as
friends and this people are so freaking fun to be with~!
There are also new members on our Organization and
just like what I expected they are friendly and awesome
just like the other otakus I met~! Haha =DDD

Enough with those things that happened last monday
to tuesday, lets now go to the most happiest day of the
week.. FRIDAY~! Today, a lot of weird and crazy things
happened to me.. Yesterday I was looking for my college
shirt in my closet but I can't find it anywhere T^T so I
told myself that I would just wear a pants instead but
then again, bad luck happens... My freaking pants is
still in the laundry and it hasn't been washed yet. So I
finally decided that I will just wear a skirt and try to look
like a girl for a day. Then yeah, shit happened a lot of
weird guys stared at me and I feel so freaking irritated!
And also, my friends in my class puts make-up on my
face and I looked so freaking girl... My manly side died
a little bit from all of it QAQ

After class, I stayed at Batibot with my awesome friends.
Chatted with them, sang some anime songs and just do
nothing & be crazy.... LOL XDD When Arjay's class
finally ended.. The awesome Me, Arjay & Johann leaves
and walked from UE all the way to my freaking weird home.
So yeah, they stayed there for a while and played with my
adorable niece Maan and cutie pie nephew Yael. Those
two seems to love playing with Arjay XD A-and ummm...
it's so adorable when they call him Kuya Arjay X3 Oh my
they look so freaking CUTE >///< <3 Oh myyyy *A*
Arjay looks like a freaking awesome big bro playing with
his little siblings... lalalala X3 So cute so cuteeeee ~!
And oh, Arjay & Johann also gave me a little yaoi fan
service >=3 hahaha~!!! Btw, If you are wondering why
the title of my post is "Fireworks" it's because Johann
keeps on telling us that... I wants to see the climax, the
fireworks... So yeah that's it (^o^) haha XD

Hmmm... For the pictures... Well, Angelica haven't uploaded
the pictures yet so... Just wait for it XDDD I look like a cat
in some of the pictures a-and I don't want to remember the
other thingssss~! hahaha XDD

For the anime review, I haven't finished watching Sankarea
and I'm planning to finish it later and after that I'll write an
anime review about it =)))))

Well, that's all for today~!
Magandang Gabi \(^o^)/

<edit> Ummmm... This is how I looked like last friday:
Make-up by: John Dave Pancho =) and
credits goes to miss Angelica Sta Ana =*

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