Sunday, November 4, 2012

Oh my freaking Keima!

Le me fangirling again~!
Just finished watching The World God only knows season 2!
And I'm so freaking HAPPY right now cause I can finally
watch it's newly released OVA!~! Gosh I'm so freaking in love
with it since it was still a manga! I think they released the OVA
last october... hahaha

Well, sorry if I have been talking about it's season 2 and
it's OVA! But if you haven't watched the first season yet
or read it's awesome manga.. Then you better do it now dude!

Hmmm... So maybe I'll tell you about it's plot! Well here it is!
The main character is Katsuragi Keima or often called as
Otamegane by his classmates. He's an avid gamer of dating
games and he is also known as the God of Conquest or
Otoshi-gami! One day someone e-mailed him a contract if he
can "conquer girls"! He accepted it, not knowing that he have
to conquer girls in the real world not through his games...
Then suddenly, a demon named Elsie appeared and told him
that he have to help her catch some Loose Souls or else they'll
be both beheaded if they fail! And sooo the story begins!!
Haha XD As I told you before I'm not good at telling plots
so forgive me -.-"""

Ummm... that's all I have to say! Well bye bye! I have to
watch it's OVA cause sem break is almost over~!

Here's the screenshots for the World God only knows II!
=D Hope you like it!

Yeahhh~! What he said~!
Ummm... This is Katsuragi Keima~!

Playing games inside the classroom... Seems Legit

Those EYE *A* sooo cu-cuteeee >///<

Oh the girl on the left side is Elsie-chan~! ^o^

Katsuragi Keima is my future husband~! We're destined
to marry each other! Lol whut? XDD

Keima! So many KEIMA!! *nosebleed*

See you in my next post~! =D
Have a good day! And thanks for viewing~!

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