Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The start of a new Semester

Hello humans! Its been raining here in Philippines
since Sunday and up until now, the rain keep on
oming. Our classes has been suspended since
yesterday until today, however, still have no class
for tomorrow because of holiday.

Update time, again I'm sorry for being so in active.
Now I'm here to tell you about the things that I'm
up to for the past weeks and months.

I think my last update was June, and I haven't
updated anything since classes has started. Well
to start this of, our classes started last June 13, 2013.
It was a rainy day and our way was flooded, good
thing we found a jeepney to ride on. In addition to,
a lot of students didn't attend the first day of class,
because of the bad weather.

Then, my boyfriend and I, went to Kuya Mike's
wedding. Kuya Mike is Arjay's cousin. The wedding
took place at Shangri La, West Ave. It was a
wonderful day! Moreover, I met almost all of his
relatives and I feel so loved. His family is so nice and
sweet. I feel like, I'm already a part of their family.
Oh such an awesome day. I feel good!

Afterwards June 29, 2013. We went at Robinson's
Magnolia with my cousins, my cousin's husband
and my niece & nephews. That day, we where
planning to watch Monster's University, but
unfortunately, we didn't watch it. Because of the
coming storm. So we just roamed around the mall
with them.

My nephews and niece =D
(Left to right) Basti, James, Yael, AJ and Maan

After that, July 7, 2013. We went to Villa Escudero.
That place is enchanting and wonderful! I love the
food, the scenery, everything about it! I'll write the
full story of that place in my other posts! So wait
for it! For now, I present you this pictures as a
sneak peek.

Then, we watched a UAAP  (University Association
Athletic Philippines) game. It's UE (University of the
East) VS  ADMU (Ateneo De Manila University).
UE won the game, however I forgot what the scores
are. Its so fun watching basketball games. And that
day was quite tiring too. Cause we went all the trouble
just to get to our destination. And oh, I love eating
popcorn while watching the game~! =3

Afterwards, July 13, Saturday. My boyfriend and I,
finally watched Despicable Me 2~! So funny, the
minions are so adorable! And I've missed Agnes
so much! Her cute face, awww ="""> I seriously
love her! We watched it at SM North Edsa, then
while waiting for the movie, we ate lunch at Ramen X!
Gosh! The Ramen is so delicious and I wanna come
back and eat there again! And oh, my drink is
Blueberry ice tea.

Saw this camera, my friend owns it. Batter powered
camera. So old school and cool~! HAHAHA

July 20, 2013. For me, this is saddest day of the year.
My grandfather past away that day, and my heart
was torn into pieces. My cousin sent me a message
about this terrible news. I quickly went home after
reading it, I can't stop crying.

Remembering all those moments when he was still
alive. Smiling, laughing, getting angry, telling stories
and teaching us some things, I will always treasure
it all. I will never forget him. I will always miss him.

Grandfather's burial took four (4) days and on the
fifth day, he was cremated. Reminiscing the old
days makes me a little bit lonely. Those days where
the happiest and that was when he was alive and

I draw this on my grandfather's burial, to past the
time. A lot of people went there to look at him for
the last time.

This photo was taken last July 24, 2013. Lolo
has already been cremated, and that children
are my nephews and niece.

Let's stop the sad Aura, I don't wanna cry
anymore QAQ Afterwards, Prelim exams came!
Been very busy these past weeks, because of it!
On the other hand, recruitment week came and
I became excited about it! Hooray for new org
members! I even cosplayed Miku Hatsume
Matryoshka ver. to caught some otakus and
make them join our Organization.

Due to our efforts, a lot of people joined us.
And I felt really happy about it! I can't even
imagine how many of them joined, its really
a heart warming gift for us.

Taken last August 6. I'm fluffy~! =3

Then, we went to SM Sta. Mesa to buy a shoes.
It's hard for me to find a shoes that fits me well, so
every time I find a shoes that fits me well. I feel very
lucky! Why? Cause my feet is so freaking small, if
you want to know my size. Its a secret! =P

Maan Maxene, my naughty niece! XD

Then, I got really hungry that day so ate two plates
of Beef and Mushroom at Greenwich! My favorite,
it's so freaking delicious! The reason why get fat. OTL

I made this Minion Clay for my Art Appreciation
activity! He looks so cute and I even got a score
of 100 with this adorable thing!

Finally, last Saturday August 17. We, the whole IS
(International Studies) Students went at Batis Aramin,
Quezon for our team building. And went home the
next day. Just like what I said earlier about Villa
Escudero, I'll also write about Batis Aramin on my
other post, so wait for it friends!

I end my story now. Just wait for my next post!
Thank you for reading! Have a nice day! =D

Monday, August 19, 2013

Lolo :D

Been busy this past weeks, thanks to prelim exams and
other things. Sorry if I can't update that much here in my
blog. OTL

Through happiness and pain, I've experienced it all this
past weeks. I feel exhausted all the time, however there's
still fun and exciting feelings on those times.

I've been so in active for a long time and I'll try to write
about my experiences in different places that I've been to,
the games that I got addicted to, some of my school works
and other more stuffs. Just wait for it on my next posts.

To start this of, I like to reminiscence the memories with
my grandfather, who had been with me for the past 17
years.  He thought a lot of things to me, and also when
I was still young, he walks with me outside and fetch me
from school. What I like the most about my grandfather
is when he starts to talk about world histories with me.
I remembered the time, when I asked him if he knew the
county of Prussia. Those where the awesome days!

But now, Lolo Esling is happy in heaven with God.
He past away last saturday, July 20, 2013. He got ill for
the past months and I always feel troubled every time
I see him suffering from pain. He can't even eat his foods,
because of having difficulties in swallowing. I miss my
Lolo Esling, all those days when I'm with him. Lolo, rest
in peace, I know that you're happy in heaven with Lola
Abing and Mama Tats.

Tomorrow, a month had past since the time that you
gone to your journey. We will truly miss you Lolo,
you will always be in our hearts and our memories.
I love you so much. Thank you for all the lessons,
experiences that you thought me. Thank you so much
my dearest Grandfather.

:'( </3

short note: Lolo- Filipino word for grandfather
          Lola- Filipino word for grandmother

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Shingeki no Kyojin Madness!

Konbanwa minna-san! \(>w<)/

Tomorrow is Sunday, so hooray for the upcoming episode
of Shingeki no Kyojin! I dunno what day they release it on
other countries, but here in the Philippines it is always on
Sundays. By the way, here is the link where I watch it:

Everybody loves Shingeki no Kyojin, who wouldn't aye?
I seriously like it's story and I just can't stop reading its
manga! I'm on the latest chapter and I can't wait for the
next one!  I really enjoy watching it and if you're going to
ask me who's my favorite character, then I'll proudly tell
you that it is Hanji~! (>///<) Hahahaha

And oh, I got some screenshots! Spoilers to those who
haven't watched or read it. Sorry for those people.

I seriously find Armin adorable in here :"""">

Eren, I wild colossal titan appeared! What ball will you
use to catch it? XDDD LOL

Bang he got caught. It's so sad to be a Titan food.

Oh my goodness! A HOT TITAN appeared!
Power: He can stun you to death with his shocking
handsome face. And gets more handsome while
devouring your human friends.

A hero will appear soon and take down all the Titans!
He is Eren, a Titan with 6 pack abs! He can kill a
titan with a single punch! Boom!

Sorry and hooray for SPOILERS! In my opinion, this
anime Shingeki no Kyojin is the most exciting anime
of the year. The story is unique and once you watch
or read it, you can't freaking stop it. For the people
who haven't watched or read it. I surely recommend
this anime to you! You won't regret watching it!

Well see you in my next post!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Tamako Market~!

Time for another anime review! Sorry for the late update!
Been busy with school works and other things. Actually,
I've finished this anime weeks ago, but due to some other
stuffs that I have to do, I completely forgot that I have to
update. Okay~! Here it is!!!

Tamako is the eldest daughter of a mochi maker, who
owns a shop named Tama-ya mochi shop, at Usagiyama
 shopping district. She truly loves mochi and it is a part
of her life. One day when she encountered a weird bird
that talks, and bird's name is Dera. He came from an island
and his mission is to find the prince's bride.

Dera the talking bird became overweight from eating too
much mochi and could not fly anymore. Because of this
he ends up staying at Tamako's home for a while until he
can fly again. The series flows in the story of Tamako's
everyday life with her family, friends, neighbors and this
strange bird.

The story is so cute and I just love how the whole
Usagiyama district is like a family. For the people who
wants some anime with a slice of life, you should really
watch this! It's really awesome! Deraaaaaa is so adorable!
I wanna hug him tight! I will not post spoiler pictures, just
cute pictures from this series! And here it is:

Dera so cute while eating some mochi! Makes me want to
eat some mochi too! (TAT)// MOCHI YUMMY!


This summer uniform that I really like! Pink <3
I think this a spoiler. Forgive me! Just ignore it. I just
wanted to show everyone how cute their uniform is!

Oh I really wish there's a season 2 of this! Mochi Mochi!
Just a little spoiler, the prince is a young cute boy with a
tanned skin and because of Dera's projector eyes, they
will see him though it. I just really wish that he gets married
with Choi, a cute tanned girl from the prince's island that
will also come at Usagiyama shopping district in search
of Dera. And I would really be happy if Mochizou will finally
tell Tamako what he really feel about her! That would be
sweet and awesome! >///< <3

Click the link below to watch Tamako Market:
Tamako Market <-------- Click this ~(^w^)~

Thanks for reading~! See you in my next post!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

MTV VMAJ 2013- Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

Best Pop Music Video Award goes to:


The winner of Best Karaoke Song is:


\(^O^)/ *fangirl screams* \(^O^)/

Congratulations Kyary-sama!!!

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is nominated for Best Pop Video
and Best Karaokee Song with her awesome song 
"Fashion Monster". I'm so glad when I heard that she's
nominated for these award, and when I was watching 
MTV VMAJ, I'm so glad  seeing her in TV! And suddenly,
when they announced that she won, I screamed her name
and jumped  for joy!  She won both awards that she's
nominated. I'm so proud of Kyary-sama~! Keep up the
good work Kyary Pamyu Pamyu!!! Omedetou~!!!!!

For those people who haven't watched or seen her
music video Fashion Monster here it is:

There's also a bonus on MTV VMA Japan! She performed 
her new song "Invader Invader" and also one of my
favorite KPP song "Ninjari Bang Bang". 

Her performance was amazingly great and she totally
looks adorable in her outfit. She gracefully sang her songs
and she looks so freaking cute while dancing cheerfully
at the stage.  I freaking want to see her in person, 
hug her, take a picture with her and sing with her!
*faints while imaging it* /shot/

Let's all celebrate KPP Fans!!!!
again, CONGRATULATIONS Kyary Pamyu Pamyu!!!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Bye Summer! Thank you so much!

Sorry for not updating about my summer vacation.
Well here it is~! Last April, I did a lot of things,
I got very busy on some things and I took a lot
of time sleeping. Cause I miss doing that, its so
hard for a college student to get an eight to ten
hours of sleep because of our busy schedule.
So I took all the hours to take the sleep that
I needed.

And then some other time, we went to the mall
and bought a lot of things. Including my school
shoes and some shirts.

Took this somewhere inside the mall.

The shoes that we bought. We bought them from
Payless and when I took this photo we where
roaming around the Department Store.

The month of May came, we freaking saw
a white cockroach!!! So freaking disgusting!!!
Like Ewwwwww~!!

My 6 year old niece draw this cute pikachu~!
It looks so fat but it still looks cute!

Then Mother's Day came! We went to church and
celebrated it on SM North Edsa. We ate there,
roam around the mall and we really had so much fun!
I really missed this moments with my parents. Cause
they had been busy for the past months. So I really
got happy that we had this time to be together.

My beautiful Mom ='''''>

Ok here's a picture of my two nephew and their older
sister. Playing PSP the whole summer! They're taking
turns in playing.  (From left to right- Maan, James and

When my boyfriend's mom went home, he gave me
this awesome stuffs! >w<

Then my niece Khaila stayed on our house for
a week. And so, we went at Robinsons Magnolia.
We ate there, roamed around and played at
Tom's World~! The little girls had so much fun!

Yes, I know I'm small T^T
My height? I won't even tell you!!! XP

Then we bought this drinks at Jamba Juice,
I already forgot what we ordered, I think it's
Strawberry and Banana Berry? lol XD But I still
remember the boost that I chose it's Zinc! lol XD

Afterwards, my boyfriend and I, had a date last
May 28. We ate ate Big Better Burger! The
burger is so freaking delicious, big and juicy~!
I wanna eat there again and again! OMG!
Awesome Burger is awesome! I love it!

Then, after eating! Its bowling time! First time ever
to bowl! I feel so good and happy even though I
got a lot of gutters, I still managed to get a strike!
Wooooh! Lucky beginner indeed! HAHAHA

Look at our size difference! My feet is so small!
A child's feet. QAQ

Here we are, bowling~! Woooh~! What a fun,
awesome and exciting day! Thank you baby!

Picture of me and my sweet boyfriend~! A photo
taken on my birthday, haven't posted any pictures
or post about my birthday. But I'll just edit this
post and upload some of my birthday pictures!

Then last week, June 8. We went at a hotel just to
stay there for a while away from noisy streets and
just relax and stay for a night. With my auntie and
niece~! =3

What it looks like outside! So green and relaxing!
And oh it's just a suite. So it only has 14 rooms
I think? XD

Well, that's all folks! Yesterday was the first day
of our Semester! It rained so hard, but it still a fun
day cause I got to see my friends! Maybe I will be
more busier this coming days, weeks and months.
But I'll still try to update! =D

See you soon humans and aliens~!
Have a nice day! <3