Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Holiday full of mixed emotions

Again, I hate myself for being lazy and for updating so freaking
late! Now I have a resolution for this upcoming new year! ^o^
I have to remind myself to update quickly every time there's an
awesome event that happened to me. I should stop being lazy!
Cause I don't want to write so many things in just a day!!

Now enough blah blah blahs~! I should write about the things
that happened to me last Dec 21 until today!! But before I start
this. Let's all have a moment of silence and pray. Last Dec 21
my favorite, awesome and greatest teacher that I had known
had passed away at 3:40 pm. For me Mr. Yodelherson Mortiga
is the funniest, coolest, nicest, and the most excellent teacher
in my  High School life, he became my professor in Economics
when I was a fourth year student. And I learned a lot of things
from him. He taught us some of the things that we should know
before we enter college our college life and make us ready for it.
He's always concerned about his students and he wants us to
became a responsible student. I thank him for all those things
and I want to tell him that I really love him and I will really miss
him. I remember when I came back to the High School dept. he
saw me and called me out. I was wearing a skirt and a knee high
socks and he suddenly told that, "Nerry kahit magcosplay ka,
mas maganda pa din ako sayo! Haha" Then I told him, "cge na
Sir ikaw na maganda ikaw na talaga." He laughed again and told
me to study hard and smiled. I will never forget that day. And
every time I remember him, I can't still accept the fact that he's
 gone and now he's celebrating Christmas with Papa Jesus.

I LOVE YOU SIR YOGIE~! I know you're HAPPY there in
HEAVEN =') Thank you for everything ='*

I don't want to be sad anymore.. Now I'm going to start it my
post~! December 21, 2012.. according to the Mayan Calendar
the world will end that day.. But umm.. it didn't!!! GakUEn realm,
our anime//japanese organization, held our Christmas party that
day. We called it "DOOMS DAY CHRISTMAS PARTY" Haha
it's so freaking FUN and Awesome =D Even though what we
just did at that time is wait for the food and eat. That's all, after
that... We all went on our different journeys XD HAHAHA

Like me, Arjay, Darren, Kevin and Saldy. We went at Another
World and rented computers~! I played Mercenary and those
dudes played LOL (League Of Legends) After that, we went
home and that's when I heard the news about my professor.

<I'll upload the pictures soon>

Then, ummm... Last December 22, we cleaned our house and
after that we went at SM Sta. Mesa to buy somethings. And
went home really late that night and I quickly ran and slept
the time we arrived home. LOL XD Then the next day, the
most tiring day. December 23, I want at 4 different places. In
the morning, I think we went out  10am and went to Quiapo
to buy some fruits, like oranges, apples and pears for the
up coming Christmas. Then after that we went back home to
eat lunch then after, we rushed out and went to SM San Lazaro.
We just bought some things that we will need and after that
we went home again. Then I stayed and rested for a while and
waited for Ciara. When Ciara arrived we both went at St. Peter
and visited our professor's funeral. Then after that, SM North
Edsa next, we just stayed there for a while and just roam around
the mall. We meet up with Arjay and finally I saw him again. I
don't know why but, I super miss him already QAQ I wanna see
him everyday and talk with him all day.

Then yesterday, December 24~! Christmas Eve =) My first
monthsary with Arjay! =P And again, that day we just cleaned
our freaking house and did a lot of other stuffs. Seriously
alskkfjalskjfa  when bad luck strikes, it will surely make you mad!
Our freaking water pipes was broken, due to my father and my
uncle's doing. They where fixing the roofs then a wood suddenly
fell down and broke the pipes. Then after some hours it's finally
fixed! Yey! I can finally take a bath XDD LOL XDD Then I finally
wore my awesome Leopard prints dress! It's so freaking cute!
 I really loved it XDD Thanks to my Auntie for giving it to me~!

Le picture of myself =P


Then that night, SKYPE TIME with LE BOYFRIEND =*

Hahahaha XDDD SO CUTEEEEEE >/////< <3

Now for today!!! MERI KURISUMASU MINNA-SAN~!!!
Spend the whole day playing with my nieces and nephews!
Those cute little brats XD And I feel so sad for loosing in
Monopoly! I can't freaking believe that Maan won! QAQ
I'm so freaking sad QAQ booo huhuhuhu T^T Anyway
I still enjoyed the games at our program in our Christmas
party! At least our team won! And I hope my cousins
won't upload the dance presentation! Cause look so stupid
dancing gangnam style -.-""" Yes I danced... And I did it
for the enjoyment of my family... HAHAHA! I really hope
they won't upload it.. I don't want you humans to see my
embarrassing dance and awkward face. Seriously!! I look
so damn weird T^T And that awkward feeling that your
niece is taller that you! Yes, I hate that feeling... It's breaking
my heart apart.. I want to get tall!!! Please!! That's the only
gift I want for Christmas! I wanna be tall!! Oh well, the night
still hasn't end and I have to enjoy this Christmas! Well!
Bye guys! Have a Blessed Christmas!!


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