Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Summer Vacation!

Summer! So freaking hot! I can't even relax that much!
So many freaking chores to do everyday and I can't
even finish an anime series or a freaking game! QAQ

But today is very awesome day cause today is the
birthday of  my super loving, caring, beautiful bestfriend
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABES! May you have a super
awesome birthday, more birthdays to come deary~!
And I hope you win the upcoming Judo Tournament this
coming May 4! Stay kind and friendly as always!


Oh my, April is almost over! But I still have one month to
do all the stuffs that I wanted to do before summer ends!
However, I'm quite enjoying my summer cause I got
to play some awesome games in gameboy advance!
I downloaded a GBA Emulator so I can play some
awesome games in our PC! Cause my gameboy isn't
working anymore and I can't find my games. *sobs*

So I have been playing Harvest Moon Friends of
Mineral town, but because it's winter time in the game
and I became bored of it. I stopped playing it for a
while and maybe when I feel I like to play it again, I will
continue it somehow. But I'm happy that Popuri's heart
(the girl that I'm hitting on this game) is color already
orange and just one more event it will turn RED!! Yes!
But, until the winter season in this game is still around.
My laziness will continue.

Then, because I stopped playing harvest moon for a
while. I started playing Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
and I'm progressing in this game. But I'm not the only
one who is playing this game cause my brother sometime
plays it too. And he's the one who defeated the difficult
bosses so, hooray for him. And because my brother is so
freaking good with games like this! I stopped playing it
and then I found a new awesome game! *^*

The newly found game that I have been playing and I'm
not planning to abandon is FINAL FANTASY TACTICS
ADVANCE!!! The main character is Marche but, I changed
his name and re-named it Yael. Cause that's my nephew's
name. Lol XD Now I have 21 game characters and our clan
is already level 21~! Wooh~! I really love playing this game!
And I when I first played it, I stayed for almost 5 hours in
the Computer playing it! But now, I must maintain the 2-3
hours gaming hour cause I don't want my boyfriend getting
worried about me.

Moving on, the anime that I'm currently watching is
Sakurasou no pet na kanojo! I'm almost done! I'm already at
episode 20! And this anime has only 24 episodes! 4 episodes
to go and I will freaking finish it! *^*

Today is a very special day~! Not just because today is my
super awesome best friend's birthday but also, today we are
celebrating our 5th Monthsary~! ILOVEYOUSOMUCH my
beloved awesome boyfriend :*

Well, that's all folks~! HAVE A HAPPY VACATION!
I will freaking beat this summer heat by turning on
the aircon! lol whut? XDD HAHAHA! See yah soon!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Awesome Family Outing!

March 17, 2013! The most memorable day in the month
of March! We had our Family outing at Antipolo and
it's not just an ordinary family outing, my mom and my
aunt invited my boyfriend to join us!

Then my Ninong June was with us on that day and he
brought his van with him. So me, arjay, my parents, my
brother, Maan and my two cute nephews James and
Yael rode in his van. And I got bored in the van so I
took some pictures.

Finally we arrived at Antipolo, we drop by at Antipolo
Cathedral and prayed for a while. However, I didn't had
the chance to go inside the church. Because of what I'm
wearing. I'm wearing a freaking sexy outfit and those kind
of clothing are not allowed inside the church. So I just
waited outside with my boyfriend.

Antipolo Cathedral

Shades! They are all wearing shades!

Jamesy boy! Why you so cute? >w<

Then after that, we rode the van again and went to the
resort that we're going to stay in. It's just some streets
away and when we are inside the van I can see the sign
board of the resort. Suva's Place and we finally reached
our destination! Oh what a wonderful day to swim~!

We waited for some minutes until they finished paying the
bills. And then we finally went inside the resort. We ended
up in a semi-private pool and we got the place just for us!
It's a big place and we have our own pool. Our cottage is
quite big and the place is really wonderful. Then I changed
my clothes and worn a cute swimsuit.

First we swam in the kiddie pool then next is in our semi-
private pool. The kiddie pool is quite big and it is divided
in two parts. Then we ate some snacks to get some energy.
Then swam again! Hahaha XD

Taken after we swam at the kiddie pool, we're about to
go back to our cottage when this photo was taken.

Then we found this nice place near our  cottage so we took
this time to take some pictures. Ok this should be a cool solo
photo but my photobombing boyfriend ruined it! =P

So we just took a picture together! We're so awesome!

After some time, we ate our lunch! But before eating lunch
we should wash our hands first! So we went in the wash
area and washed our hands. Then when we're about to walk
back we saw ate Anna and Yael. Then she took a photo of
us three~! Happy Family =DDD

Our lunch was rice with grilled pusit, barbique, hotdog, grilled
tillapia, grilled chicken and so many more! I forgot the other
foods. Then after that we went outside to walk.

Then that is the kiddie pool, I took this above it.
By the way, this resort has four (4) swimming pools.
Two at the lower ground and another two at the upper
part of the resort.

Then I'm in the upper part XD That is the other pool, that
pool is kinda deep and I cannot swim there!

And that view is where we are staying at, the semi-private
pool place.  Those people are my relatives, my dad the one
who isn't wearing any shirt, the man who's wearing a hat
is my grandfather.

Then I'm staying outside cause by boyfriend is sleeping on
a bench. So I took this time to become vain for a while. Then
my aunts and my cousins also came and we all took some
pictures, but then they still left me cause after the picture
taking they went in the kiddie pool to watch the little kids,
my nephews and niece.

Then I took this photo when he woke up. My boyfriend is
so freaking handsome! Like seriously >/////<

We swan again at the swimming pool near our cottage.
Arjay doesn't want to swim anymore cause he gets cold
every time he swims. =P

Then when 3:30pm came I took a shower and dressed up
again. We are about to leave the resort. But before leaving
we ate some snacks and took some pictures again.

When we were walking by to go to the van, I was eating an
ice cream and it's so delicious. Then when we were inside
the van, I was really tired and I took a little nap. Then after
than lots of pictures again. Lol XD I never get tired of taking

Well that's all, our family outing was really awesome!
I got to bond with my family members, relatives and also
my cute boyfriend. It was very exciting and memorable!
I hope next outing they will invite him again! >w<

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Some freaking dates of ours

Last March 1, there's an event at SM Sta. Mesa and me,
my boyfriend and my friends went there. Our friend
Johann competed in the Tournament. We cheered for
him and gosh he's costume is awesome. He's the one who
made it, that awesome armor. We are super proud of our
awesome friend and I think he even won.

Then, after some time, me and my boyfriend Arjay went to
karaoke hub and sang some weird songs. Ate Mikki even
sang with us and Bryan (Arjay's best friend) was also there.
It was really fun even for just an hour.

After our concert at the karaoke we went at Greenwich to
eat some dinner. I ordered beef and mushroom then my
boyfriend ordered a lasagna and a small cute pizza. Bryan
sat with us in the table, however he didn't even ate his
dinner there. He told us that he will just eat at there house.

Beef and Mushroom~! My favorite >w<

Pizza!!! It's so freaking small XDD Hahaha XD so cute!

Then the cuteee arjay~! Hahahaha XD Stolen shots baby =*

And oh, here's Bryan~!

After eating dinner, Arjay accompanied me home. It was
really a fun night and he is so freaking sweet! >w< Then
the next day, ate Anna told me if Arjay can join us in our
shopping day. And he is ok with it, so we Ate Anna,
Kuya Pusoy and Maan went at SM Manila together with
my boyfriend Arjay. Ate Anna bought Maan something
for her graduation, she bought her some cute clothes and
toys. She also bought me a cute shirt. Then after buying
so many things. We ate at Shakey's. I think I ate to much!
Their pizza is so delicious, also the pasta, the chicken and
what I love the most is the freaking delicious ICE CREAM!

We also played at WOF (World of Fun) and we won a
cute doraemon stuff toy keychain! Then when we got
home, Arjay played with Maan. They colored this
Gelarti thingy. And they look so cute coloring it together!

The two cute people I love are coloring together! Awww :"">
Arjay and Maan are so adorable! And that's the Gelarti
coloring thingy.

Then, that's all~! It's so freaking awesome! >w<
Ok, see again on my next post! =*