Tuesday, April 2, 2013

UP AME! Dateeeee!

So last February 23, 2012, we went at World Trade Center
for UP AME. This is our monthsary date cause the day
after which is February 24 is our monthsary. But before all
of that, we had our NSTP in the morning and we had our
Barangay Visit.

We went in a place somewhere in Quiapo and again,
we saw some of the children we played with last week.
I'm looking for the cute kid that I talked with. His name
his Andrei but he wasn't there. Hmmm... I think I didn't
wrote that story in some of my articles. Never mind.
Moving on with my story, so yes that kid that I was
looking for isn't there so me and my groupmates look
for another kid.

We found one, her name is Gwen (I'm not sure on the
spelling of her name). She's a shy little girl and she's
only 6 years old. She doesn't want to write some
alphabet letters so I asked her what she wants to do.
And she told me she likes coloring. Then I draw some
cute anime girls and she colored it happily.

I also gave her some snacks to make her feel comfortable
with me, for coming with us and for thanking her for her
efforts to color my drawings.

Then suddenly, some kids also wants to start coloring,
so I drew a lot of anime girls and the kids colored it.
I also gave them some snacks to make them happy.

I'm really happy that the kids love my drawings. And they
are so kind and cute. Then when 11pm came. We all waved
good byes to these cute kids. We won't see them again
cause this is our last Barangay visit. They hugged us and
smiled as we walked away at there place. I'll really miss those
kids. And thhen we finally reached our school safe and sound.

Then, in some several minutes my boyfriend called me and
told me to go to Jollibee. We ate our lunch there and I also
changed my shirt. When we finished eating, Kuya Dann
accompanied us to the Train station,we walked in Recto until
we reach Doroteo Jose. We rode the train and came down to
the station (I forgot what station it is). Then we rode a bus to
World Trade Center.

When we finally reached World Trade Center, the first person
we saw is Darren. He told us that he was standing in that line
for so many minutes. So we accompanied him there while
waiting for the line to move. But then, me and my boyfriend
gets so freaking impatient so he called his friends if he can
cut through the line and she told us to go to the main door
cause when you already have a ticket it's ok if you don't go
to that freaking long line.

Then yey! We're finally inside World Trade! \(^o^)/
It was really fun, even though there's a lot of human beings
inside. We still manage to roam around the area. We did a
lot of cool stuffs! And my most favorite is! When we played
at the fishing something. I caught a goldfish! OMG soooo
CUTEEEE >w< I named her orangieeee ~!

Then we ate some takoyaki~! It's so delicious and freaking
hot. I even burned my tongue. QAQ

Then we bought Asuka and Ryon Reika's Cosplay Book.
And they gave us a raffle ticket to "meet and greet Reika".
Then when we are on the line to buy those books. I saw
my friend Camille. She's Reika's fan and she also bought
her cosplay picture book. Then after we finished eating
takoyaki. Reika performed on stage and sang a song. Then
after that they announced the winners of the raffle. Suddenly
they called my name and I was really shocked and happy.
However, the "meet and greet" will start at 7pm and we have
to go home at 5:30. So I called my friend Camille and gave it
to her. While I was waiting for her at the entrance. I saw
Jin Joson cosplaying as Himura Kenshin of Samurai X.
But, I didn't had the chance to take a picture with her. ='((

By the way, here's the ticket pass:

Then, I drew my luck and got this:

Ok, then 5:30pm finally came. My Aunt called me and
told me that my cousins are at Luneta park. So, I called
them and told them that we're going to be there to.
Before living the event area (World Trade Center), we
took this photo. <sorry if it's so freaking dark>

We rode a bus to Luneta Park. And then we took some
pictures and roam around the area for a while. Ok, I look
so freaking cute in these pictures. Then after that, we ate
at Jollibee again and went home.

It was really the most awesome day ever! Going to anime
conventions together, having an awesome date, catching a
goldfish, eating together and having lots of fun. It was also
very tiring but all these awesome memories that I will forever
cherish will always be memorable.

Just an add-on, the next day.. February 24 me and my aunt
went at Quiapo and bought some stuffs. These are those
stuffs. Escada Perfume, Mac Powder and 2 pairs of fake

Well, that's all~! See you soon in my next post!!
God Bless you Everyone~!!! =D

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