Saturday, October 13, 2012

Hi there SEM BREAK!

So yeah, finally finished FINALS~! And it feels so good!
No more problems, now my life is full of awesomeness~!
I will surely miss my beloved section AB1A, I would like
to thank them for all the happy, crazy, weird & awesome
memories~! I hope that I could be with them next sem~!

PS: This post should have been posted yesterday, but
then I had a big fight with our internet last night! So, all
the things that I wrote here happened yesterday, I'm just
too lazy to re-write it, so forgive meeee~!

Oh yeah, a lot of things happened today, some are good
and some are bad, well it happens all the time cause our
life needs to be balanced, right? XD

And oh, today I learned how to play LOL (League of Legends)
I'm thanking my awesome kuya Vonn for teaching me some
nice tricks :) My awesome friend Arjay for being my partner
on 2v2, for Kevin who tells me to run cause the enemies are
coming and for Kuya Lean who I attacked with my Jumong a
lot of times XD lol sorry kuyaaaa~!

Kuya Vonn XDD

Sorry I'm weak XD I'm a freaking beginner~! But dude!!
I killed two heroes! And that's a freaking achievement!

Oh, I suddenly remembered the things I did before we started
playing LOL. I saw Arjay, Chris & aniki Mark. Then we bought
our lunch at KFC and ate it at Batibot! While we where eating
Mai-chan suddenly apperead and stayed there for a while.
After that I went somewhere to meet up my classmates then
stayed at the library for awhile..... Then after some time, we
finally went at a Computer Shop near Kuya Vonn's house and
played LOL there~! hahaha XDD

Yey for KFC flavor shotssss~!

Arjay and Aniki Mark~!!

And sexy Mai-chan appered~!! Mai-chan kawaii >///<

Some pictures taken at the library, I'm so freaking haggard
in almost all of my pictures here!  Hahaha XD And oh, 
this dude is our friend Chris! XD 

Meet my awesome Kuya Vonn~!! I learned a lot of things
from him~!! XDDD Thanks Kuya~!!

Arjay-kun~! A dude who is so freaking troubled on getting
out of a certain level on a game he's playing XDD 

Here is Kuya Kevin~!! An awesome dudeeee too~!

Now, here I am looking haggardly weird as always~! And
oh, I soooo love my rockstar bracelets X3

I also found this weird stolen photo of me XD Arjay is
the person who took it XD Thanks dudeeee~! X3

Oh my I almost forgot! Last sunday, someone gave this 
adorable cute little puppy to my dad! And me & my other
relatives takes care of it~!! *A*

I call her munchkin and some times hershey... We all call her 
different names and my dad even calls her Jesica and I don't
even know why O.o Also, my aunts and uncles calls her
differently, I think they call her pochi or something like that!
what ever~! So many names for a one small adorable puppy~!

Ummm.... That's all I can say... hahaha XD
See you on my next post~! Ciao~!

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