Thursday, October 11, 2012

Remember it's October

A lot of things happened this past weeks....
A week full of tears, pressures & headaches...

And up until now, I'm still not sure if I can pass that
freaking subject algebra. Oh well, never mind that..

And oh, I'm always at the library reading some weird
and awesome stuffs with Arjay and Johann XD
This place is like our awesome freaking base? Wait
what? XD I soooo love the library you can learn a
lot of new things in here, right Arjay? X3 lol

The daily life of a student inside a library.
Finding a book to read, Reading books, talking silently
with your friends, sleeping (?) and reading books while
someone is taking a picture of you then post it on the
internet when you get home...fudge... lol XDD

Heck yeah, that's my daily life these days XD

Meet the handsome me~!

I'm a rock star~!! lol XDD
Those awesome bracelets are my brand new collections,
I started to collect those things last September XD

As I indicated at the first part of my article, "these past few
weeks is full of tears"... And this is what I look like after I
cried... There's a lot of weird reasons why I cried, and I can't
broadcast it here in my blog for private reasons, but then
I'm still glad that my awesome friends is there to assist me
and comfort me in times of hardship.. THANK YOU :">

Now for the awesome books that keeps me busy inside the
library and this is my BUSY FACE.. wait I'm smiling in here?

Tarot Cards~!! I'm surprised that there are books like this in
our library~! Just soooo freaking COOL although it's scary
and creepy in some other ways QAQ

And oh, I read this book about supernatural things that
occure for the past centuries and this story interest me the
most~! Well, if you can read the article on the left side of the
picture clearly then you're awesome.. LOL The letters are small
I know, can't read it! Well just make the story short, it is about
a two green children that came outside the cave, they don't
look like ordinary humans and up until now, no one knows
where they came from and who they are, although the girl lived
for years. She also learned Spanish and told the people what
the place they came from looks like, she told them that in there
place there is no Sun.  This is a true story and it happened last
1887 on Spain.... Creepy story but COOOL ~!

So many awesome books to read and I want to finish them all.
However, tomorrow is the last day of our Semester so I'm just
going to continue reading the books I want next Sem.

I'm really going to miss all my friends, blockmates and specially
the guy I love the most... lol what? XD I really hope I pass all
my freaking subjects and tomorrow is my last exam on finals~!
Good luck ME~!

A weird picture of me to end this post~!

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