Thursday, December 20, 2012

Prelims! Thank you for ending so FAST!

This week is full of exams, like seriously my Brain is tortured
because of it! But still, I'm thankful cause it's finally over!!
*cries tears of joy* And I won't forget all the happy things
that happened the past week and this week!

Although last week is full of quizzes, lectures, discussions,
graded recitations and many more. I still managed to survive
it! Yey! And I suddenly remembered XD After I finished my
E-learning last saturday I learned to play a new awesome
game! I thank my big brother Mardox for introducing me to
the awesome game Mercenary Online~!!! I've missed playing
this kind of games and I think I'm addicted to it now!
hahaha!! XDD

Then after some weird times, I always got bored after school,
so I went to my boyfriend/bestfriend's house to borrow some
wig and disturb his peaceful life for a moment XD

Then we ate strawberries~! *A* STRAWBERRIES and
CONDENSADA! So much WIN~! *w* It's so freaking
delicious, the sweetness! Hmmmm~! X3 And I took some
pictures in arjay's cellphone~! Although I didn't took a
picture of myself cause I look so freaking awkward and so
weird that day! Le Stolen shots of my Ouji-sama :***

The awesome strawberries!! >////< so yummy :3

Ok, now my blog is full of Arjay's picture! haha!
BABY! WHY U SO CUTE?? >/////<

Tomorrow is our Christmas party! And I'm still not sure what
will happen... According to some humans, tomorrow...
December 21, 2012 is the END of the world but then, I don't
freaking believe it cause God is the only one who knows
when it will end. And I think God isn't the one who will end
it, we humans will... We humans keep on destroying our
wonderful nature and now it's fighting back. Well dudes!
Keep Clean and Green! I don't even know why this suddenly
run inside my mind.. Oh well, that's the end of my story...
hahaha XDD

Before I go, I have a message for my beloved Arjay XP
Ouji-sama ILOVEYOUSOMUCH~! :* Oyasumi >//////<
Please be ok? Don't be sad and don't get mad anymore
:* Daisuki dayo~! >//////<

See you humans in my next post!
Cause I'm so sleepy QAQ

A picture of me for my Soul Evans trial, borrowed the
wig from Arjay XP Thank you baby :* Oyasumi~!

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