Friday, June 22, 2012


Today was a really tiring but super fun day...

I got home pretty late today, but it's definitely ok, cause it's
for gakUEn-realm..the awesome organization I joined in...
It's full of awesome otakus, cosplayers & gamers~! I soo
LOVE them X3

so sad I didn't take any pictures today...

Oh, I just remembered, last wednesday, ME, Carl & Asuka

went at Divisoria to canvass the price of the wigs and jackets
that we're going to use for our Matryoshka Vocaloid cosplay,
we had looked and asked about the prices and after that, we
went at Lucky Mall (still located at Divisoria) the malls looks
extremely awesome, the architecture of the mall is really 
excellent and great, when I step inside, I felt that I was in
Greenhills shopping mall, and when we roam inside the mall,

it suddenly reminds me of Robinsons...Then suddenly Carl
told us that she brought her Ipod with her and she took some
photos, guys..I really know that we look soo AWESOME XD

The color of the lights are blue and it reflected on our faces...
LOL we look like a bunch of avatars XD
left to right: Asuka, Nerry(me) & Carl

After we roam around the mall we went at dunkin donuts to
eat Merienda, actually just to drink a chocolate drink... It's
freaking delicious dudes~! Sooo tasty and chocolately~!

Here are some of the pictures we took at Dunkin Donut:
credits: Carl's awesome Ipod

The three fujioshis inside a shop XD

Our ribbon thingy looks like a bib.. so we're wiping our lips,
but it actually looks like we're eating it.. LOL XD

And here's my wacky face, Carl was like eghh and asuka
was like what are you doing.. ahahahaha XD

Then suddenly, Asuka ask us if we can to this
(refer to the photo below) and carl & me was like,
how did you do that? Of course we cannot do that.
Gosh that's totally awesome, like seriously it is~!

After Dunkin Donuts we went back at UE and we went to
the library... Our first intention was to read some books,
but then we got bored so we just took some photos...

We're looking at some books here, then carl called us and
took this picture

Here, I was reading this book Ginger Girl and again,
I got bored reading it, instead we just took this picture:

Lastly, the yaoi page.. We told Carl to take a picture of that 
page because of a certain word.. "uke player" when we saw it,
we are like "dude picturan mo, picturan mo" and she actually
took a picture of that page XD HAHA *fujioshi's mind*

That ends my story for this week, well here I am and Carl looking
so weird.. Oh! Hi big eyebags of mine~!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Last Tuesday I finished the anime series Durarara!

The story was really EPIC! So AWESOME and COOL! It's the
greatest story ever~!!! If you love to watch an action genre
anime, I tell you, you'll totally love it~~~! The animation, the
way they draw the characters is cool, totally excellent...
The plot is smooth and you will never guess what will happen
next.. Just AWESOME...

Here's some of my screen shots:
Celty (left) Izaya (right)

This kind of thing happened.. Shizou-san!! QAQ

An awesome picture for ending the anime XD
Such a sexy body woman *nosebleed*

After watching the anime, I quickly opened the dollar's site:  password: baccano

Just watch Durarara! I guarantee you that this anime has a really


Last weekend has been a very busy but awesome days for me!
June 16, me and maggz went to toycon to get the dvd I ordered
at Otaku Goodies, that shop is totally COOL, I'm going to order
another DVD again next time. And that day I was really broke, I
spent all my money with mangas and other stuffs, but it's still
FUN! I dressed up as a guy that day, well just because I love to
crossdress and my friend Maggz also dressed up as a guy so
yeah we're so handsome that day! Here are some of the 
pictures I took:

Maggz took  while I was talking, I was like dude you're
going to hit, and that's why I look weird there XD

My Handsome friend Maggz:
she's a big fan of Super Junior...

Before we went home I met up with my cousins
here they are: left to right: Ate Meg, Colline (the little girl)
Ate Jester and her boyfriend Mac...

After the Convention, we went to the  Holy Trinity because my dad joined a contest, something about a Father's Day special.. But sadly he didn't won, but for us it's alright, HE'S STILL THE MOST AWESOME AND BEST DAD IN THE WORLD! ^^,

He's handsome indeed >w<

The next day, we went to church and SM Sta. Mesa, why?
cause it's Father's Day! Hahaha! here's Jamesy @ the church
eating something...

We ate our lunch at Greenwich, oh that delicious chicken and spaghetti, yummy X3 And here's Jamesy again and Maan..  This a boy loves to eat and eat... That's he's past time...


I'll update again sooner or later XDD

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

60th birthday of my dear uncle

Been very busy this past 2 weeks...The first thing that I'm going
to update is about my dear uncle's party. ^^,

Well, last June 9 we celebrated my uncle's 60th Birthday at
Aberdeen Court, but his actual birthday was on last June 12
The event was so fun and I got  to see my cute adorable 
nephews Basti and AJ ! Here are the pictures I took at the party:

My Uncle or as we call him Papa Abe!

And I took a photo of my Cute little nephews and nieces,
well here it is, gosh they're so adorable:

first picture is Basti, gosh this boy is sooo CUTE  >w<

second one is Jamesy, singing and saying some weirds
stuffs we can't even understand

Third picture, Yael (left) and Caindro (right)
This two boys is soooo freaking adorable! seriously!

Fourth picture Maan (left) & Khaila (right)
They're so pretty and cute, just like me..LOL XD joke

And lastly a picture of me:
I'm a photographer for a day!

Now a pictrure of me looking girly and smexy just to end
this post! Thank you and have a nice day!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

My birthday XD

I'm so sorry I forgot to update. So busy with school work!
So last monday I finally turned 16 but  if you look at me
I don't look like my age, yeah I still looked like a 12 year
old girl XD

Oh yeah, and here's the cake that they gave me:

Cake from my Mom and Dad, I soo love it's box!

And here's the other one it's from my cousin Saldy
and his friends, thank you again dudes! 

and here I am pretending that I blown my candles XD


And for my College life, I'm so happy that my section is AB1A!
Cause almost all of my classmates are approachable and nice,
well this week our class really had a great time! haha!
We ate our lunch at inasal last thursday and KFC last friday!

And yeah, that friday I met up with my Senpais =D
I miss them a lot so we all had made that day memorable.
We had finished our Org meeting and I really hope that our
org will be legalized soon. Well, a lot of other things happened
that day and don't wanna put it here cause some of it are really
embarrassing stuffs. I'm looking forward for tomorrow's class
cause I finally finished doing my homework.

That's all for today.. Bye now! X3

Monday, June 4, 2012

First day of College life

Finally the first day of my college life!
I'm a Freshmen taking up the course of International Studies
at University of the East, Manila...

and yeah, it's my freaking birthday! haha!
but now I'll just be posting my college life pictures and
I'll upload my birthday pictures tomorro~

here's some of the photos I took at our campus:

Asuka-chan! My awesome new friend ^_^

Asuka-chan (left) and Sandra (right)
I thank Sandra cause she's the reason why I conquer my shyness

And oh! Here's my awesome classmates! They're so fun to be with!
I'm loving my section ^_^

We don't have PE class today so we ended up going home early,
and after that I meet up with my AWESOME FRIENDS and
here's the picture of us:

Looking Awesome at the mirror!
Cause this two girls and Kathleen are my only close friends
who greeted me "HAPPY BIRTHDAY", while my other
"friend" didn't if "she" had greeted me, I might have changed
my mind and invited her also, but then she didn't.. ushh..
me getting bitter again -.-"" sorry sorry..

Btw, we ate our lunch at Inasal! Rice all you can! haha!
I thank them for making me soooo happy this year QAQ
I love you guys! TAT

After that, we went to my house to watch Black Swan, some
parts of it was really creepy and after watching that, we
watched Eurovision! Oh gosh! I love the Russian Grandmas
their voice are so COOL!

And then Elliswar took this photo of me:

just ignore the no fear bag XD
I love you Ellis! Thank you so much :*

And these things conclude my story for today, will post
my other pictures tomorrow, Good night my fellow friends!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Awesome stuffs indeed

I'm so in love with my awesome background! Like totally!
hahaha! It somehow reminds me of USA's flag!

Well, I feel so great whenever I see a design of USA's flag
on clothing, shoes, bags and other stuffs. I just think that
it's absolutely AWESOME to have these kinds of stuffs.
So I thought that I would collect them.

And now here's the stuffs that I have gathered so far, It's
not a big collection yet but someday it will be, and it's only
3 stuffs, I really have to buy more of these:

The first stuff, the pockets of this shorts are extremely cute!

The second stuff is my beloved converse shoes!
Sooo happy to have it!

And the last stuff is this shirt of mine! Edited my face cause
I look so horrible in here and my skin is so dark & weird OTL
I think this photo was taken at the time when me and my
family arrived from a resort at Cavite.. haha XD

That's all for tonight! Good night and God Bless you all!

Friday, June 1, 2012

A new dude

So yeah I'm new here and I don't even know what to write...
And I don't even know what my blog is about, but when the
time comes that I'll get used to blogging, I hope you wouldn't
get bored reading my updates...

So do I have to make an introduction of myself? Ummm....
Maybe I should, ummm.. I'm nerry jane, just call me nerry
cause my relatives calls me jane, I'm an Otaku and
a Cosplayer/Crossdresser ^-^

I love travelling and my dream is to travel around the world
here's a picture of me looking so weird and girly :

Yes, I know I have these BIG EYEBAGS OTL

My DUDE face looks weird, so shinny -.-""

Well, summer is ending here in our country and classes
is about to start! Oh! my birthday is on monday and I just
hate that day cause it's the day where our classes will start..
I hope I'll have an awesome school year, I really hope I'll have.

God Bless Everyone!