Saturday, June 2, 2012

Awesome stuffs indeed

I'm so in love with my awesome background! Like totally!
hahaha! It somehow reminds me of USA's flag!

Well, I feel so great whenever I see a design of USA's flag
on clothing, shoes, bags and other stuffs. I just think that
it's absolutely AWESOME to have these kinds of stuffs.
So I thought that I would collect them.

And now here's the stuffs that I have gathered so far, It's
not a big collection yet but someday it will be, and it's only
3 stuffs, I really have to buy more of these:

The first stuff, the pockets of this shorts are extremely cute!

The second stuff is my beloved converse shoes!
Sooo happy to have it!

And the last stuff is this shirt of mine! Edited my face cause
I look so horrible in here and my skin is so dark & weird OTL
I think this photo was taken at the time when me and my
family arrived from a resort at Cavite.. haha XD

That's all for tonight! Good night and God Bless you all!

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