Friday, June 22, 2012


Today was a really tiring but super fun day...

I got home pretty late today, but it's definitely ok, cause it's
for gakUEn-realm..the awesome organization I joined in...
It's full of awesome otakus, cosplayers & gamers~! I soo
LOVE them X3

so sad I didn't take any pictures today...

Oh, I just remembered, last wednesday, ME, Carl & Asuka

went at Divisoria to canvass the price of the wigs and jackets
that we're going to use for our Matryoshka Vocaloid cosplay,
we had looked and asked about the prices and after that, we
went at Lucky Mall (still located at Divisoria) the malls looks
extremely awesome, the architecture of the mall is really 
excellent and great, when I step inside, I felt that I was in
Greenhills shopping mall, and when we roam inside the mall,

it suddenly reminds me of Robinsons...Then suddenly Carl
told us that she brought her Ipod with her and she took some
photos, guys..I really know that we look soo AWESOME XD

The color of the lights are blue and it reflected on our faces...
LOL we look like a bunch of avatars XD
left to right: Asuka, Nerry(me) & Carl

After we roam around the mall we went at dunkin donuts to
eat Merienda, actually just to drink a chocolate drink... It's
freaking delicious dudes~! Sooo tasty and chocolately~!

Here are some of the pictures we took at Dunkin Donut:
credits: Carl's awesome Ipod

The three fujioshis inside a shop XD

Our ribbon thingy looks like a bib.. so we're wiping our lips,
but it actually looks like we're eating it.. LOL XD

And here's my wacky face, Carl was like eghh and asuka
was like what are you doing.. ahahahaha XD

Then suddenly, Asuka ask us if we can to this
(refer to the photo below) and carl & me was like,
how did you do that? Of course we cannot do that.
Gosh that's totally awesome, like seriously it is~!

After Dunkin Donuts we went back at UE and we went to
the library... Our first intention was to read some books,
but then we got bored so we just took some photos...

We're looking at some books here, then carl called us and
took this picture

Here, I was reading this book Ginger Girl and again,
I got bored reading it, instead we just took this picture:

Lastly, the yaoi page.. We told Carl to take a picture of that 
page because of a certain word.. "uke player" when we saw it,
we are like "dude picturan mo, picturan mo" and she actually
took a picture of that page XD HAHA *fujioshi's mind*

That ends my story for this week, well here I am and Carl looking
so weird.. Oh! Hi big eyebags of mine~!

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