Monday, June 4, 2012

First day of College life

Finally the first day of my college life!
I'm a Freshmen taking up the course of International Studies
at University of the East, Manila...

and yeah, it's my freaking birthday! haha!
but now I'll just be posting my college life pictures and
I'll upload my birthday pictures tomorro~

here's some of the photos I took at our campus:

Asuka-chan! My awesome new friend ^_^

Asuka-chan (left) and Sandra (right)
I thank Sandra cause she's the reason why I conquer my shyness

And oh! Here's my awesome classmates! They're so fun to be with!
I'm loving my section ^_^

We don't have PE class today so we ended up going home early,
and after that I meet up with my AWESOME FRIENDS and
here's the picture of us:

Looking Awesome at the mirror!
Cause this two girls and Kathleen are my only close friends
who greeted me "HAPPY BIRTHDAY", while my other
"friend" didn't if "she" had greeted me, I might have changed
my mind and invited her also, but then she didn't.. ushh..
me getting bitter again -.-"" sorry sorry..

Btw, we ate our lunch at Inasal! Rice all you can! haha!
I thank them for making me soooo happy this year QAQ
I love you guys! TAT

After that, we went to my house to watch Black Swan, some
parts of it was really creepy and after watching that, we
watched Eurovision! Oh gosh! I love the Russian Grandmas
their voice are so COOL!

And then Elliswar took this photo of me:

just ignore the no fear bag XD
I love you Ellis! Thank you so much :*

And these things conclude my story for today, will post
my other pictures tomorrow, Good night my fellow friends!

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