Friday, June 1, 2012

A new dude

So yeah I'm new here and I don't even know what to write...
And I don't even know what my blog is about, but when the
time comes that I'll get used to blogging, I hope you wouldn't
get bored reading my updates...

So do I have to make an introduction of myself? Ummm....
Maybe I should, ummm.. I'm nerry jane, just call me nerry
cause my relatives calls me jane, I'm an Otaku and
a Cosplayer/Crossdresser ^-^

I love travelling and my dream is to travel around the world
here's a picture of me looking so weird and girly :

Yes, I know I have these BIG EYEBAGS OTL

My DUDE face looks weird, so shinny -.-""

Well, summer is ending here in our country and classes
is about to start! Oh! my birthday is on monday and I just
hate that day cause it's the day where our classes will start..
I hope I'll have an awesome school year, I really hope I'll have.

God Bless Everyone!

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