Tuesday, June 19, 2012

60th birthday of my dear uncle

Been very busy this past 2 weeks...The first thing that I'm going
to update is about my dear uncle's party. ^^,

Well, last June 9 we celebrated my uncle's 60th Birthday at
Aberdeen Court, but his actual birthday was on last June 12
The event was so fun and I got  to see my cute adorable 
nephews Basti and AJ ! Here are the pictures I took at the party:

My Uncle or as we call him Papa Abe!

And I took a photo of my Cute little nephews and nieces,
well here it is, gosh they're so adorable:

first picture is Basti, gosh this boy is sooo CUTE  >w<

second one is Jamesy, singing and saying some weirds
stuffs we can't even understand

Third picture, Yael (left) and Caindro (right)
This two boys is soooo freaking adorable! seriously!

Fourth picture Maan (left) & Khaila (right)
They're so pretty and cute, just like me..LOL XD joke

And lastly a picture of me:
I'm a photographer for a day!

Now a pictrure of me looking girly and smexy just to end
this post! Thank you and have a nice day!

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