Thursday, July 26, 2012

General Assembly~!

Today was an awesome day~!

We held our International Studies General Assembly today
and also the Mr. & Ms. IS coronation at the briefing room!
I'm a member of the art committee and I was the one who
helped my senpais with the decorations of the room.

The new Mr & Miss IS looks wonderful, they are both
worthy for the title~! The intermission number by ISDA
or ISSO Dance group was really awesome, I love the way
they dance. And the games are freaking interesting and
funny~! The CAS dean was there and she seems happy
to be there. Everything about it was absolutely excellent!

The whole day is full of laughter and happiness. This was
the most awesome and happiest assembly ever~! They
welcomed us freshmen with big hands and hugs. Our
officers are so nice to us, I super duper love them, I'm
so freaking lucky to be a member of ISSO~! Oh yeah,
I'm really proud to be an International Studies student,
now I promise myself that I'll study hard and pursue my

The pictures, it took me a while to find this, oh well
here are the pictures:

(left to right)


That's all~! I LOVE ISSO~! And I'm a PROUD International
Studies student :))

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