Saturday, July 7, 2012

What an awesome day~!

I should have posted this last night *sigh*

Well, to start my post, I just want to greet my late auntie,
who I call mama Tats~! Happy Birthday~! I love you mama tats

Well today is a super awesome day~!
I started the day with my awesome friends Asuka & Angelica
here they are looking so kawaii at the awesome colorful wall:

and here I am looking weird and Asuka looking soo awesome:

Then after that, we went to batibot for our meeting in ISSO art committee, but before that we took some pictures and forced Asuka to waer my wig. Asuka looking sooo handsome~!

After the meeting we went at KFC to eat our lunch, here are some of our pictures: (left to right) Mai-chan, Nerry & Asuka

Here's Aniki Mark looking sooo handsome, an awesome butler indeed >///<

When we finished eating we went at UE TYK Garden X3
(left to right) Nerry, Kuya Von & Mark Aniki~!
I look so weird out there XDD

Le me wearing my wig and kissing ate Carla X3

and yeah, my favorite picture~! Me and Aniki~! >///<

Then, we went to batibot to meet up with the other members of our org~! Here it is, our awesome pictures:

Akane senpai~!

Stolen shot of me and ate Krystalee XD
What the fudge am I doing there? Haggard much? XDD

They look good together XD Yaoi fan service please~!
(left) Yohwhan & (right) Roeffey

(left to right) Ate Carla, Kuya Von & the haggard Nerry XD

And now I present you the handsome pictures of Me, Roeffey & Yohwhan XD

And now, here's the girls XD
(left to right) Akane, Ate Carla & the haggard Nerry

And, here's a picture of ate Isabel looking sexy X3

And lastly, a weird picture of my two dude friends...

Well, that's all for today... Oyasumi minna-san~! (good night everyone~!)

Just me looking handsome XDD

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