Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Beloved Ate Jenny

Yesterday we visited my auntie Anne's house, then
when I saw my beloved cousin ate Jenny, my eyes
sparkles like stars cause she's so beautiful *A* 
She looks like an angel came from above. I really 
had missed her a lot, cause the last time I saw her 
was like, 8 months ago... That's freaking long  -.-"
And I'm also glad to see my auntie Anne, Ate Lea

and specially Loraine, I was really happy that day~! 
We even watched Snow White and the Huntsman
at her laptop, it was an awesome movie, but then, I 
didn't had the chance to finish it, cause we have to
go home before the rain starts to pour down again...

My niece Maan and nephew James, had fun too...
They played some toys with Loraine and this
three little children looks soooo cute together~!
Here they are looking cute:

Jamesy looks so CUTE in here~! *A*
I wanna pinch his cheecks~!

Here's a picture of me and ate Jenny~! :)
I really love my beautiful cousin :***
Well, I know I look so weird and yeah,
I have this big eyebags XD

Jenny Barcelona, a beautiful and super nice
cousin of mine. I super duper LOVE her~!
Let's just say I'm obsessed with her beauty.
Here's some of her picture I took at her
account...  Please forgive me my beloved
cousin~! OTL

waaah~! kawaii *A*

If only I'm as tall as she is QAQ

And for me, she's the sexiest girl in the world~!

And of course, she's the most beautiful and
prettiest girl~! <3 >///<

Well, this post is just about my beloved cousin
and the things that happened yesterday, but
last sunday I've finished watching no.6 and
I'm going to update it sooner or later.. And yeah,
I also started to watch K-on season 2 yesterday
oh I've missed that anime~! That's all for today
have a nice day, gotta do my English homework~!

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