Saturday, July 21, 2012

Rainy Day

I actually love rainy season because of the cold weather,
but the thing I hate about it, is when it ruins a well-planned
day. Today, me and Asuka suppose to watch a basketball
game (UAAP) at MOA Arena, it is a requirement for our
P.E. subject. And after the game (UE vs ADU) we're going
to the J-pop/Anime singing contest and Anime film showing
event that will take place at MOA SMX. But then, the rain
won't stop pouring, instead it keeps on getting heavier...

I woke up at 7:30 this morning and I received a text message
from Asuka, saying that she's now riding a bus and she's
on her way to my house. I was half asleep when I read it
so instead of waking up and going out of the bed, I closed my
eyes and slept again. Then suddenly, someone is calling
out my name, NERRY~! Well I suddenly woke up cause it's
a rare thing that someone calls me Nerry at our house (cause
all my relatives call me Jane) then I suddenly remembered
asuka's message, I immediately run out of the bed and went
to our gate. The there's Asuka-chan holding an umbrella
and wearing a warrior shirt~! Well it's so early so we just
watched tv and ate breakfast, while waiting for 12pm cause
that's the time that we're going out of the house to go to
MOA. After eating our lunch at 11:30 we received a message
from our classmates, saying that the game has cancelled and
it has been moved.

Me and Asuka was like, what the heck!? Whyyyyy? QAQ
So instead of getting lonely, we just played some of my
games here in my laptop, cause our wifi isn't working at 
that time. We played insaniquarium then Avenue Flo...

here's some of the pictures I took today:
Asuka-chan looking sooo kawaii ~! X3

My serious face while playing XDD

Eating Mr. Chips while playing~!

After playing for a long time, we ate our mirienda~!
Mini Chips delight cookies and Pineapple Juice, yey~!
I love the flavor of  of the cookies! Oat meal, gosh
so delicious~! X3

And Asuka looking sooo CUTE with the mini cookies~!

Well, that's what happened to us today... Even though
our plan didn't go so well, it's still fun cause I'm with

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